
Late August Harvest

It’s ‘that’ time of the year again, busy busy like a little squirrel, preserving the harvest to enjoy during those long, cold, dark months of winter.

I picked loads of apples and plums on Saturday. I spent Saturday afternoon dealing with the apples. My plan for these apples was to make it all into apple sauce as I use it in various things.

Once the apple sauce was done I portioned it up and popped it in the freezer:

3X condiment size portions (delish with pork)

2X pancake portions (1 cup per batch of pancakes) These are the most delish pancakes

1X Apple muffin portion (1.5 cups. I wrote the actual muffin recipe on the freezer bag too so that I don’t have to go and find the recipe again

I also baked a dozen apple walnut muffins using 1.5 cups of the apple sauce – they are sticky and absolutely delicious. I used THIS recipe.

Yesterday afternoon was just beautiful so I thought I would take a walk down the lane and see if I could forage some blackberries. I thought that it might be a little early but worth a try. 

I was pleasantly surprised, we managed to pick quite a few berries, I think I have enough to make some Bramble Jam.

Now all I need are some more jam jars. I thought I had enough jars but…no – only three. So today I will pop down to The Range and grab some more jars and I hope to make some jam tomorrow morning.

A last and completely random photograph for you… an acorn! I was waiting for my eldest daughter to finish work and I noticed the oak trees have got lots of acorns. I made a note (I have notes where various things are LOL – that’s a nature-mad homeschooling mum for you 😆) because one of our first nature studies I have planned is on the oak tree.

Speaking of planning…I can’t believe that we are only a hop, skip and a jump away from starting our new academic year! I still don’t feel like I’m completely ready, I have a few more hours of planning to get through which I will do this week and then we will be good to go. September is right around the corner so no more procrastinating! 

Anyhoo lovelies, wishing you all a lovely day today.

One Comment

  • Amy at love made my home

    What a wonderful harvest! We picked a load of rhubarb at the weekend and I cooked and froze it, it is so satisfying to do isn't it!