
Knitting and Stitching Days…

Joining Ginny Today for Yarn Along

I am still busy with DH’s jersey. Not long to go before I cast off the back and get busy with the sleeves, so it’s all plain sailing from this point on as far as I’m concerned.

Of course I always have to have a few other things on the go, never just one project – no! That would be waaaaay too easy. I like to complicate my life just a little ;o)

My other projects are all Christmas related. I know! It’s just round the corner – only 69 days. 69 DAYS!!!! Eeeep! – let me tell you, that times moves mighty quickly, especially when you have made up your mind to make allot of your gifts!

So, there is a little stitching going on, a bit of sewing and a bit of knitting 🙂

Reading: I’m still busy with my ‘Lessons at Blackberry Inn’. I’m loving the gentle meander that this book takes me on. Today I am off to the library to fill up my reading basket, so I’m sure I will have more to share on the reading front next week.

Have a blessed afternoon :o)