
January Days

Hello lovelies! Can it be the 20th of January already? How has your month been so far? Mine has been great. Hubby has been on two weeks leave so we’ve all been spending some lovely quality time together. It’s been good. Of course, only the bare basics of homeschooling has been going on but hey-ho, that’s the beauty of homeschooling.

January has brought some lovely winter weather. We’ve had frosty mornings that has offered up some treasures. The heather is offering up the only bit of colour in my garden at the moment but that is not saying much as I have a skeleton of a garden at best. I have a lot of work cut out for me this year.

This month has offered some lovely winter walks and nature study opportunities. My daughter found a whole lot of galls which I’ve brought home. I’m hoping to find more and try dying some yarn with them. I haven’t used botanicals yet to dye yarn but I’m really keen to try. 

And speaking of yarn, I’ve had a fairly good month in my Etsy Shop and yarn stock is running low, it’s time to get the dye pots out again. With spring approaching I’m thinking of dying up some spring inspired favourites such as ‘Daffodil’ and ‘Bluebell Woods’. I haven’t dyed these colourways up for a while. A new colourway that I’ve just added is ‘Days End’. 

My yarns are always inspired by the English countryside and culture, this one is reminiscent of a winters sunset. We’ve had some lovely clear days and although the temps have been cold some of the winter sunsets have been beautiful. Gentle pinks, blues, yellows and violets have painted the skies. ‘Days End’ is an ode to an English winter sunset.

I was in the store this week and – delight of delights – I noticed that the Daffodils were in store. In the rhythm of my year, I always look forward to the time when the hot-house daffs arrive in store. It is perfect timing as January can be a bit of a ho-hum month and these bright, cheerful flowers are a great reminder that spring is only a few months away. Of course in my garden, the daffodils are only just starting to peek through the soil but I relish in the hot-house daffs every year. They smell fab too. Their sweet scent fills the air as I was the dishes…*sigh* love the simple things. 

Anyhoo lovelies, I hope you are all having an awesome 2019 thus far. See you back here very soon.