
In A Word

Happy New Year to you!!

This afternoon I was sitting in the conservatory with one of my kitties and we were both watching the birds visiting the magnolia tree which is strung with all sorts of birdy delights. I suspect that the cat and I were enjoying their antics for completely different reasons and I am glad that panes of glass separated my little feline companion from our winged friends 🙂

So, 2015! I am excited about this new year. My ‘word’ for this year is “savour”.

The Oxford dictionary defines “savour” like this: To enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) to the full, especially by lingering over it.

With 2014 having been a year that seemed to pass by in a blur and consequently is not one I particularly enjoyed, I think that “Savour” sums up how I want to spend 2015.

* I want to savour moments, times, conversations with my husband and children.

* I want to savour our homeschooling time, before I know it this exciting journey will be complete.

* I want to savour quiet moments. I want to watch the birds, think thoughts and gaze at the views of our magnificent British countryside.

*I want to savour the seasons. The snowfalls, the frosts, the bracing cold temperatures, the sunshine and warmth, the rainfall and sunsets.

*I want to savour how life is now. The little things that bring joy, make memories and make our lives whole and bursting with love

* I want to savour the gentle rhythm of the liturgical year, walking in purposefully in faith with my hand resting in Jesus’

*I want to savour visits and conversations with my dear friends. I have been so blessed with precious friends since moving to England and I am grateful for their love and friendship.

* I want to savour my garden. The times I prepare the earth, plant, nurture and harvest.

SAVOUR – it is a good word for me to live by this year 🙂

Blessings in Christ to you all…


  • Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle

    A perfect word! And it fits in with my thoughts about the upcoming year, too. I tend to live in a tornado of activity a lot of the time, leaving me with few opportunities to savor anything. Thanks for this reminder!

  • mamasmercantile

    What a wonderful word and a great list of things you want to savour. A truly wonderful way to live.

  • Michelle

    2014 passed by for us in a blur so 'savour' is a wonderful word to live by in 2015 my friend. Happy New Year to you. We will shortly be visiting South Africa and looking forward to 'savouring' every minute there xxx

  • Sandra Ann

    Your word sounds just right! I hope and pray that you manage to savour every moment of this forthcoming year and recognise God's hand guiding you ever step of the way.

    San xx