
In Like A ????

Well, how is March coming in in your neck of the woods? Is it coming in like a lion or like a lamb?

Today is the warmest day so far and forecast for the week. We can expect a high of 9`C. So does that mean that March is coming in like a lamb for us? As we progress through the rest of the week and week-end, temperatures fall and we are promised heavy rain for Saturday and Sunday. Well either way – I am so happy to welcome in March! Yesterday I bought 3 bunches of Daffodils which I have spread about in pretty bunches throughout the house. I can’t wait to see their sunny faces celebrating the coming Spring.

There is so much happening in March. We have St. Davids day (visit here for some crafts) – which is today! Mothering Sunday for all us British mommies on the 18th, St. Patrick’s day on the 17th, the Vernal equinox (beginning of Spring) on the 20th and British summer time begins on the 25th.

 It’s also lambing season soon. I’m hoping that BBC will produce another Lambing Live show this year and of course we love watching their ‘Springwatch‘ too!

I’m seeing signs of life all around me at the mo. Gardeners are back in their gardens, myself included, clearing beds and neatening up. I’m seeing Narcissus beginning to flower. There is a bush in my garden heavy with buds – I wonder what it is? AND, remember those Sweet pea seeds I planted on Friday? Well, already we are seeing some little green heads peeking up! It’s all so lovely! All I can say is a very warm welcome to March ;o)