
Homemaking Monday – Running a Small Business

Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth
How many other homemakers combine keeping home and family with a small business?

On Saturday the house was rather quite. Our girls travelled down to Oxford to take part in the National Young Ringers competition (they came second btw), so DH and I had the whole day to ourselves. 

I spent just over an hour in the morning finishing off some Filofax protective covers and listed them in my Etsy shop. I’m really happy with how they turned out. Such cute fabric 🙂

Under An English Sky’s Etsy Shop

 We then tootled off to town together to indulge in our weekly coffee at Cafe Nero. I love this time. We sit chatting, sipping a great coffee, and watch the world pass by.

Once home I set about making a few Dashboards – actually, I made 6, for my shop. Dashboards (if you are not in the know) are protective front pages that are generally cheery and add a bit of pretty to your planner. They are also quite useful for sticking sticky-note reminders onto which saves you having to page through your planner to see what it was you needed to get at the shops (for example).

This is what I’m talking about…

So 9 items in my shop! My next goal is to get some more bunting made up. Last year I sold all my autumn bunting so clearly that product is a hit. I thought I would get a head start on my autumnal products as August is our move month so I won’t have too much time for working on my products then. But this whole thing is quite fun 🙂

Anyhoo, please do visit my little shop and pass on my link to anyone who you think would be interested in what’s available there.

Updates as always will be posted on Under An English Sky’s Facebook page 🙂

Under An English Sky

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  • Tiny Toadstool Cottage

    The planner covers are gorgeous. So glad you are making a business from home. That is what I am planning, hoping to do also, although I am looking at a farmgate stand to sell veggies and cut flowers.

  • Michelle

    Lovely Shirley – wishing you so well with your new vernture. I too would love to see the Autumn gifts xx

  • Penny

    Very pretty!

    Congrats to the girls – that's great!

    I'm wondering, could you please also post additions to your shop here? I'm not on FB and I really want to buy a bunting his Autumn. If you ship to the US, of course 🙂

    Love the new banner – is that a current nature table?

    Enjoy your day! xo

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Penny, I will certainly put updates here too 🙂 I also have a link directly to my shop at the top of this page called 'Etsy Shop' so you can hop on over there any time. And I do ship to the U.S 🙂

      That was last year's nature table or shelf as it was then. I think it may be about time that I posted on our current nature table 😉

      Have a great day Penny and thanks for your comment. I love interacting with my readers.

  • Penny

    Thank you!

    I was looking at my printout of your shaking up homeschool post (which I read almost daily right now to keep me on the right track!) and I realize that this is not a new banner. Silly me… your graphics don't show up when I read your posts in my email. SO, from now on I click through so I can enjoy your blog in all its splendor!

    Good luck with your move, and thanks for taking us along! xo

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Penny 🙂 I think I need to print that post out as a bit of a reminder to myself! Today was a wobbly homeschool day where I was wondering/panicking if I was doing enough etc. *sigh*