
Home is Where the Heart Is

I know that this post may seem familiar to some. The thing is I post it earlier on this week but it was redirected to my WordPress site which I was, and still am, intending on building a business from. 

However, after much thought, I have decided to keep Under An English Sky right here on Blogspot. My reason is that I have a really strong emotional connection with this blog. It’s been a place where I have recorded parts of my families lives for the past 9 years. I don’t want it to be a business, I want it to be the same friendly, chatty, personal blog that it has always been. I don’t want to mix this small delightful pleasure with business. It is my bloggy home and should remain so.

I will in time share my other site with you and if you choose to follow along then that’s great, but it will offer very different content to this little place.

So…we are right in the middle of Easter Weekend. It’s all a little strange this year as our churches are empty and we cannot worship together. But there is always a silver lining to every cloud. I read a little snippet on Facebook where someone had posted, “Our churches may be empty this Easter but so is the grave!” and so it is! Isn’t that just such a glorious sentiment? Next year we will all be together again, worshipping and celebrating the risen Lord. 

So, as I mentioned on Thursday, we have been in our new and very own home for a little over two weeks now. We have settled in so well and I am convinced that it is because it is ours and we have roots. I have not felt quite myself since Chesterfield days. I was so settled and happy there, our Devon move just did not feel like home and even the last 18 months in our lovely farm home didn’t quite feel like home. It had an impact on my inspiration levels and often I would make a meagre attempt at the seasonal things that I love so much but more often than not they would pass me by.

But looky here…I was so inspired to get our home feeling like home that I managed to get my Easter decor groove on right on time. On Sunday I cut a few twigs from the tree, painted them white and planted them in my pastel blue pitcher. 

I hung my egg collection and our palm crosses from last year on its branches. I love the way it looks. It is right in the hallway so we get to see it every time we pass by and it is a small delight.

The nook got the Easter treatment too with my crochet bunting, a little spring Tilda doll my daughter made a few years ago and the Lindt chocolate bunnies that have to grace my Easter mantle every year. I’m surprised that they have not been taken out, to be honest, and landed in someone’s tummy. But they are still there until Sunday.

I’ve really enjoyed these daffodils this year and I have treasured these particular ones because they have had to last. Trips to the grocery store are only on a real need to basis which means they are few and far between. We are in the make-do season thanks to Corona Virus. Perhaps that is what makes them all the beautiful knowing that I can’t just pop out and buy some more.

Anyhoo Lovelies, I hope you are having a very blessed Easter weekend with your loved ones. Stay safe and keep your eyes focused on what truly matters. Then His peace with passes all understanding shall be yours.

Blessings to you all…


  • mamasmercantile

    Lovely to read that you are settling in well and loving your new home. You are certainly making your mark and using your Easter decor to make it cosy.

  • Margaret Dams.

    It looks lovely Shirl. S P A C E. And you are a real homemaker.�� lots of love, Gran X

  • karen

    Welcome to you home!! I do love how you decorate and your house looks like it has excellent lighting!! Happy Easter.