
Home Blessings

Hello, again my lovelies. I wanted to share a few home blessings with you today.

With nowhere to go and the opportunity to slow down and live more in each moment I have been reminded of what my life used to be like before going back to work after our homeschooling years drew to a close last year.

I do enjoy my job but I do find it hard to try and juggle work, study, and the running of my home. I miss having the time to quietly knit or work on a quilt. I was so caught up in the craziness of trying to adjust to my new routines. I have to say that it has not been a quick or easy adjustment.

Not our home but how cute is it? Right on the lock – just stunning.

In an ideal world would work fewer hours and in fact I will try to negotiate that once things return to normal for this break has made me realise just how frenetic my life had become and that cannot be healthy in the long run!

It is the lady of home’s personal touches that change a house into a home. When she crochets a blanket it is more than just the mechanics of crochet, rather it is the prayers for the family members who will snuggle beneath its warmth in the coming winters over the years that she utters.

It is more than just baking biscuits rather she does so hoping to delight her family through their tastebuds.

It is more than just sewing and piecing together bits of fabric rather she is creating an heirloom quilt that she dreams of being thoroughly used, loved, and passed on through the generations, carrying her love for her family through life’s timeline.

Everything we do and create is for the people we love and care about. It is them that we have in mind.

So here are a few things I’ve been busy with by way of home blessings…

I’ve been knitting up some cotton dishcloths. I love these dishcloths and have been using them for years. I will never buy store-bought after using these. Knitted from 100% pure cotton yarn these are lovely and thick and super absorbent. Best of all they are very eco-friendly and last for YEARS. I just pop them into the washing machine on a hot wash every few days and they are sterilized and cleaned, ready to use again.

I’ve actually bought some cotton yarn to dye and add to my shop so watch this space!

This morning I was up way earlier than usual. DH had to get to work for 7am, we live about 40 minutes away from my husband’s workplace so his alarm went off at 5.20am and I was up an pottering about when he left just after 6am.

I quite like getting up before the rest of the household gets up, this morning I decided to bake some peanut butter biscuits, we have not had these in ages so it was good to quietly put the ingredients together while the rest of the family was asleep and the early morning sunshine streamed through into conservatory and kitchen.

On Sunday it was my husband’s and my eldest’s birthday, 57 and 22 – time flies! My mission was to make the day as special as possible. I blew up confetti-filled ‘Happy Birthday’ balloons and made their favorite pancake breakfast. 

I had made a cake for them which I had hidden away in the pantry, it was a hit. It looked fun and it tasted so good!

Some more home blessings are on the cards this weekend. B & Q has re-opened so I’m going to go and get some paint! I’m so excited to start decorating our home. I have so many ideas and it is really great to be able to do what we want and choose the colours we want for our home. We are going to tackle the entrance hall first I think. I’m loving that dark blue colour inspired by scandi living at the moment. Our entrance hall is big enough to carry it off so I can’t wait to get started and see the end result on that. Hopefully, we can get it done over the weekend.

Do you have any home blessing projects you are working on at the moment or any DIY projects planned for this weekend? I would love to hear about them.

Have a fab day everyone, see you back here very soon.


  • Heather

    Such a beautiful post! I love making our home beautiful and cozy! ❤
    I have been working on deep cleaning and decluttering and getting our gardens ready but I seem to have a stress sprain on my ankle so I will be trying to rest and dream. ��

  • mamasmercantile

    We have recently decorated the lounge and I have been making curtains for the lobby. There is always a project going on here making our little cottage a haven.