
Here We Are…

Moving house. I’m glad that this is the last time of having to pack up and traipse all our worldly possessions to a new town and home for the foreseeable future! I think I am getting too old for this – LOL

View from the garden

But I have to say that our new town and home makes me happy. There are some houses that we live in that lend themselves to contented living. The house seems to hug the family and hold them close, promising a future where memories will be created and held safely within it’s walls. That’s how I feel about this house.

Our tree-lined street

I love the views that surround us, the street on which we now live, the national park that lies beyond our garden…

…the neighbours ancient stone built barn that overlooks my back yard, and a bit of home keeping pleasure – washing flapping in the breeze. Having lived in a rain belt area for 10 months – being able to hang up my washing outside sends little thrills through my heart.

the endless expanse of sky that stretches overhead, the rolling farm land and the way the sun streams into my house. I love the space that I now have in the garden to create my dream kitchen garden – and the full sun it receives to make that possible! Yes – life is bliss right now :o)…


  • DeliveringGrace

    Hope that you settle quickly in the new house. Moving house is a major life event but your new area looks beautiful.

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    I love that washline!!!

    Enjoy your new home and blessings abundant as you adjust and settle in. 😉

  • Thekingsharbour.wordpress.com

    You made it Shirley! Bless you and your family in your new home. Glad you are able to rustle your feathers and begin nesting for the winter.