
Hello September!

Oh boy! Am I ever so excited about it being the first day of September! It marks the start of autumn for me, a season full of wonderfulness! 

Back to school lessons, apple picking (happening already), a changing landscape filling with autumnal colours, jamming (already been happening here).

Last Years Mum’s

 I get to pull out my autumn decor and slowly start decorating my home, I get to buy my pots of autumn Mum’s – I have been holding off since seeing them in the shops – but it’s September now so this week I am giving myself permission to go and buy a few and bring them home!

Further on into autumn we get to look forward to our church’s Harvest Festival and autumn walk, frosty mornings, a trip to pick our own pumpkins, delicious pumpkin soup and pies, Guy Fawkes, crunchy leaf walks, the smell of garden refuse bonfires, misty morns – oh my! 

But before we get there, this week holds enough goodness for us to enjoy. As this is our last week of holidays before lessons start up again in full, (we have started back at math already) we are going to make the most of our last few days of ‘freedom’.

We are going to:

Sleep in!

The girls are going to go bowling with friends

Sight-seeing with grandma

Lots of sewing and stitching

Clear out the school room and get it freshened up for the new school year

Buy those mum’s

Go for a lovely early autumn walk in the woodlands

Harvest the last of the summer veg

Go shopping for some cooler weather woollies

Do a spot of Pinterest autumn project planning 😉

Stock the cookie jars with home made cookies – yum

Enjoy a new months OHC newsletter and 

finish up our lesson plans for the new school year. (LOVE planning!!) 🙂

Lastly, before I wrap up this post, this weeks stitching project is this little autumn number…

I’ve made a good start already, I hope to be finished stitching by the end of the week and then it’s time to finish up this and the last little autumn stitchery shared here and get them ready to display.

So a busy week here at Moor View Cottage in the nicest possible way 🙂

Hope your week is off to a FABULOUS start!

Blessings to you all…


  • DeliveringGrace

    You sound busy. We plan to start back next week too. Thank you for the reminder about the mums-I love them too. I remember reading O Douglas in the autumn; somewhere she talks about bronze coloured mums which just seems the essence of the season.

  • Tanya

    I love your plans! Being a first time homeschool mum, I'm still getting my head around the fact that I can choose to delay a week and start in earnest next week if I want to! My homeschool DL teacher actually advised me to do just that 🙂 We plan to pick up some mums this weekend too…..they are some of my favourite flowers 🙂 Enjoy your week!