
Garden Notes

We have a little graveled raised bed thing in our garden. I’m not sure why it is there or what it was used for. At some point, we plan on getting rid of it but for now, we are using it as a bit of a staging area and have filled it with pots of autumn flowering plants.

Can you see a little someone in our hedgehog home? Yip, we found this little fellow sleeping under the woodpile. I’m so glad that we have hedgehogs in our garden, in all the time we were living on the farm I didn’t see one hedgehog. In fact, I was really surprised at how little wildlife there was on the farm, although to be fair, we did see a few hares which you don’t get in suburban areas.

We have seen this little fellow a few times now since we caught him napping. I must keep an eye on him and perhaps weigh him to see if he will survive the winter. He is rather small you see and hedgehogs need to be at least 600 grams before hibernation. In the meantime, we are putting down cat pellets to aid his weight gain. 

 Last night we saw him nose-to-nose with our little black and white cat. They were sussing each other out in a friendly manner. My husband put some cat food out for the hedgehog and cat and hedgehog happily shared it. Isn’t it amazing how animals can co-exist together?

DH and I paid a visit to the garden center today and stocked up on a couple of pots of mums – because you know my home is never without them in the autumn and spring bulbs!

One thing I noticed about our garden when we moved in at the end of March is that there was not a single spring bulb! So today we bought a 7kg bag of daffodils, 25 bulbs of snowdrops which flower in January/February, and a couple of bags of tulips which I will plant in pots.

I bought a couple of bags of compost too as we have two beds where the soil needs a bit of reconditioning before we start planting. One of these beds I’ve earmarked to fill with hellebores. I just love the hybrid variations that you can get and as soon as I see them back in the garden center I will definitely be buying a good few. They bring a lovely splash of winter colour.

Now, Autumn is a hop, skip, and a jump away. I have lots of posts planned but they will predominantly be posted on my new bloggy home – Under An English Sky – so please make sure that you have either bookmarked my new web address or subscribed to it by signing up for my monthly newsletter. You can sign up on my new blog. Septembers newsletter will be going out on the 1st so make sure you sign up before then so that you can get your copy delivered into your email box.

Anyhoo lovelies, have a lovely weekend – we’ve already lit our first fire of the season believe it or not. Somehow it seems quite wrong to be doing so in August…but only 3 more sleeps and we slip into autumn which makes lighting fires quite acceptable 😂


  • Margaret Dams.

    Hi Shirl, just love the little hedgehog��. If I had any say in your garden, I would keep the raised gravel area to do just what you have done. It is so pretty. And pics of the spring bulbs will be a treat. When winter comes, can spring be far behind?��

  • mamasmercantile

    So nice to see the hedgehog, hopefully with your help he will gain some weight and survive the Winter. We are in the process of adding some spring bulbs too, its so nice to add a bit of colour.