

As I watch the leaves fall from the trees at this time of year, and the wind pick them up and dance with them in a little flurry, I cannot help but liken my life to the whirling leaves. The days pass quickly at the moment, each one filled to the brim with life which keeps me busy. Life feels like a flurry of whirling leaves right now!

We are about 3 weeks away from moving house – yes, only 3 weeks and I have not even told you about it yet! To be fair it did all come about rather quickly. But here it is, our new soon-to-be home…

It is far more spacey inside than what it looks. Lovely downstairs and 4 bedrooms upstairs. It is set in Woodlands so it holds the promise of many beautiful nature walks. We are also lucky enough for it to be on a bridle path – that would be a horsey thorough-fair for those of you who don’t know. There are stables not far away so one of the first things the girls want to do is take a walk to the stables and find out about their riding lessons. It is one of two cottages which were built in the 1700’s and housed some of the cotton mill employees. So lots of history there! I can’t wait to set up my bird-feeders and watch who comes to visit. Now that we will be living in the country-side, I am also eager to see if any hedgehogs come visiting. I’m sure that they are all in hibernation at the moment, but spring will come ;o)

So days are spent with lessons in the morning, and the afternoons spent packing and organizing. The list seems endless, but I plan to take a few tips from my friend Elastic Mom – who has also just moved house. Although we have moved many MANY times, I’m sure that there are ways to improve everything ;o)

This morning, our Friday schedule was a bit different than usual. I seem to be running ahead of Barb in the Nature Hour Challenges. I usually run about a week behind. She posts the weeks lesson on a Friday, we then do that lesson the following Friday. At the moment I am needing to do the lesson before she has even posted! So to get back on track, we decided to make a little ‘Give Thanks’ autumn hanging for our home, inspired by some of the photo’s in Barbs monthly newsletter. The girls also made a little nature ‘fortune teller’ which actually tells facts that they have learnt throughout their nature lessons…

Here is our little hanging – I had initially had it hanging in a window, but moved to to above the wood-stove where I could see it often throughout the day

Oops! Just seen in this picture that the ‘N’ and ‘K’ are in the wrong order – ;o) Will fix that!

I battled to get a great artistic shot I’m afraid -hence the very LARGE picture above, but I thought I would share how we put this together. First we ironed out some leaves that we had dried weeks ago.

Next I took some little wooden curtain rings and framed the word ‘THANKS’

Paint a little glue around the edge of the card
stick the curtain ring onto the letter card

Then cut out some little flower shapes, stuck them onto some white poster board – edged with glitter and then strung them onto some garden twine.

Using a bit of tape to attache the leaves, we spaced them between the glitter letters, then threaded some ribbon through the curtain ring letters and attached them to the leaf hanging…

So there you have it, a quick and easy window hanging.

As for the rest of the afternoon, a cup of coffee sounds great as I work on my monthly newsletter which I send out to our family far and wide ;o)

Have a great week-end everyone.