
Finding Beauty in the Ordinary

A small snippet of Domestic Bliss…can you find beauty in the ordinary? 

I really don’t mind the ordinary task of washing dishes and here’s why…

* It warms my hands in winter 😂 – I always have cold hands!

* I love the smell of Fairy dishwashing liquid. I buy a different fragrance every month – this month it is original which transports me back to my childhood. There were no fancy fragrances in dishwashing liquid then!

* I love the view from my kitchen sink. I can see the birdfeeder from here which is always very well patronised by an array of birds.

* I like to gaze upon the garden noticing what’s coming into bloom. It reflects what is unique to each month in natures rhythm of life.

* If I turn my eyes heavenward I see the trees, some stark branches devoid of leaves, another evergreen whose leaves sway in the winter wind, in contrast against the blue/grey/misty/cloudy sky – so many skyscapes in winter.

* I ponder on things, the mundane action of washing allows the mind to relax and meander along in gentle thought.

May you find beauty in your ordinary today…


  • mamasmercantile

    Amazing what you can see from the kitchen window washing up, I can spend many an happy hour looking out of the window.

    • Shirley-Ann

      It certainly is! I've seen a rat (I guess that's what you get living in the country) run across our drive and eat the fallen bird food at the foot of the feeder quite a few times whilst washing dishes. I really don't like rats but I have to say that he is rather cute.

  • Grace

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Yes, the feeling of warm, sudsy water and the pretty soap bubbles still relax me. I don't have such a nice view from my kitchen window (the driveway), but can see trees and sky. Nice to know I'm not alone in enjoying this domestic task.

    • Shirley-Ann

      It seems that there quite a few of us Grace that love some of the more simple domestic tasks 😉 . I have to say that I LOVE watching the trees against the sky, to gaze heavenward feeds the soul.

  • Karen

    I totally agree! And about dishwashing liquid – up until last year I used Palmolive – since 1965 or so. The fragrance took me right back to being a teenager and doing lots of dishes:) So imagine my horror when they changed the fragrance – it is horrible now! I am now using original Dawn and hope they don't change that one too. *a little suggestion: I put Dawn in an vintage bottle with a liquor pourer (via Martha Stewart:) – and it sits on the sink. I get more comments on this bottle . . . .

    • Shirley-Ann

      Karen what an awesome idea! As it so happens I saw JUST the bottle yesterday. I think I'm going to go and pick it up this afternoon. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

  • Charise Dryden

    For me, the ordinary activities are what I miss and remember the most. My Mom passed away 2.5 years ago, and today is her birthday. I don’t remember the ‘special’ occasion dinners or outings…..I remember the helping her make dinner, making her the 3rd cup of tea that day….and not doing these things with great joy I might add, I felt like a slave. But I miss it now. I miss watching her clean counter tops and washing dishes!!! Walking the grocery isles together, watching her put on hand cream, so many mundane activities that I wish I could be part of just one more time. It’s changed how I do the mundane with my kids, because I know that’s what’s going to be etched in their memories. I LOVE this post it’s exactly what I needed today…..the mundane is the most beautiful for me. Thank Shirley.

    • Shirley-Ann

      My dear friend, I know how you feel about your mom, she was a lovely lady who loved you very much. Loosing a parent is so hard and you are right, it's all the small things we do that bind us to our loved ones and make our lives beautiful. Love you lots my sweet friend and I can't wait to see you in France!!!