
Farewell 2013…

Here we are at the end of another year. Time certainly does fly by quickly. It is almost unbelievable how time has passed – I am sure that the older one gets the faster time flies 🙂

I always get a little reflective around now. I browse through my years photographs remembering our year. 2013 has been a good one for us. There has been so much to love, from the first snows, to the delicate promise of life peeking through frozen earth. Loads of daffodils in vases to brighten up dull winter days, walks on the beach, crochet, knitting, bluebells, home grown food, loads of wildlife encountered in the garden. Celebrations with friends, seeing family, making new friends. Oh so much to love about life!

I feel so very blessed to be alive and for good health!

Tomorrow a brand new squeaky clean year will begin. I have new hopes, new goals, renewed vision.  Little butterflies of excitement are fluttering about inside. We have a whole new year ahead of us to fill to the brim with loving, living, creating, growing, nurturing and loving my family and home with excellence. Isn’t that just wonderful?

To all of you – dear lovely readers – I want to thank you for your readership, your comments and for following our days. I feel immensely blessed to have you visit and feel so lucky to have made so many cyber-friends. May 2014 be a blessed one for each of you. May you know God in a personal way this next year and may He bless you abundantly with love, peace and joy. See you all ‘next’ year 🙂

Blessings in Christ,
