
Easter Wrap-up

Well, Easter did not go quite as planned. I managed to come down with a nasty bought of flu and spent Easter Sunday in bed! However, we still managed to do our traditional Easter egg hunt (in the lovely English drizzly rain), and my darling husband cooked the Easter lunch.

Monday saw us packing away a few of the Easter decorations for next year as well having to dash to the store to replenish the grocery cupboards. The first thing the girls noticed was that all the Easter merchandise had vanished from the shelves. It was a good opportunity to discuss marketing and the dangers of falling prey to it! Good lesson. Hopefully we can be on top of that one for when the shelves start filling up with Christmas merchandise!

So that’s Easter, come and gone for another year!


    • Shirley-Ann

      I am thank you so much. It is always fun when there are chocolate eggs to find! Even when you feel like you just jumped up from under a bus -LOL

  • Lisa

    I always enjoy your photos, Shirley Ann. Thanks for giving us a peek into your life. (And I hope you feel better!)