
Easter Crafting – Wednesday

I can’t say that the girls have been too interested in participating in an Easter craft today. Other, much more exciting things have been going on which I will soon share. I managed to entice one of them to make an Easter card…

The other exciting things happening that have caused a little distraction is that dad is home – mid week! So that always changes how we do things during the day. Then this morning we woke up to a snow storm! After weeks of lovely warm weather we now have cold, blustery, sleety, snowy weather. Because the earth is warm after our warm spell, the settled snow did not last for long.

 But I was interested to see if snow in April is unusual – most of the locals seem to be surprised. I opened up Edith Holden’s ‘Country Diary’ to see what April held in 1905. At the beginning of April, Edith records the first part of the month as having lots of ‘glorious’ weather. Then on the 28th she records ‘Hail and sleet’…

On the 29th she records, ‘Heavy snow shower in the night; when I looked out this morning the landscape was all white’

So I guess snow in April is not unheard of ;o)


  • Hoeks-in-UK

    Wow – you're so lucky – more snow!! Has cooled down a lot here too, but no snow – have fun and have a good Easter

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi D
      It is so strange! Today we have had bright sunny skies! I guess that's England for you LOL – Have a great Easter

  • DeliveringGrace

    My Father in law was born at the beginning of April, in South Wales. The story goes that his father had to walk along the snowdrifts, by hedges, to fetch the midwife. I guess rare but not completely unheard.

  • Loving Learning

    Missing you my friend this Easter…will never forget the special Easters we shared together xxx