
Easter Crafting – Tuesday

Today’s post is a bit of a cheat. We are going to be out all day today, so I am sharing the baking which happened yesterday and an Easter craft that the girls did during Lent which came from our Scripture Adventures.

Stained Glass Crucifix

We printed off the template from our Scripture Adventures download, then the girls coloured them in with wax crayon. After they had cut out their crosses, they painted the back with oil giving it that ‘stained glass’ look. They are now gracing the glass panel of our front door for all to see. A silent witness ;o)

Yesterday afternoon I was inspired by the colour yellow. It is everywhere at the moment and I am reminded of our ‘Easter Colors’ project and the significance of the colour.  Yellow: Jesus – the light of the world. So with that in mind I decided to have a yellow baking afternoon.

Over the weekend I saw this post from Lisa over at Olive Plants All Around My Table, she shared her ‘Dandelion Bread‘ recipe. With our country lanes being full of Dandelions at the moment, I was keen to give it a go. As we walked home from church on Sunday, I collected Dandelion blooms along the wayside. They really are so very pretty for weeds. Well – weeds if they are in your garden and wild flowers outside of your garden – LOL.

Can you see the flecks of yellow in the batter?

And here we are: Dandelion Bread. It is de-lic-ious! The recipe calls for lots of honey and you can just taste its goodness!

In keeping with my ‘yellow’ theme, I was inspired to make some yummy Lemon Curd. A friend of mine mentioned how much her daughter loves lemon curd and how quickly they go through it. I had asked her if she made it herself – she doesn’t – but would like to and had not realised how easy and economical it is to make. So I thought I would make a batch and take some over to her – along with the recipe of course so that she can keep her grocery cupboard well stocked for her little one. My girls were delighted with my efforts as they too love the sweet lemony flavor of lemon curd.

Bottled sunshine – ready for labelling!

I shared this quick and easy recipe for Lemon Curd in August last year. If you would like to give it a go, visit here for the ingredients and how to…


  • Lisa

    Thanks for mentioning my blog, Shirley Ann. I'm glad your bread turned out well. 🙂
    Many blessings!

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Yum! Do you ship the Lemon Curd – state side? haha… thanks for the recipe at least. 🙂 IF only it could be translated. Please??

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Bevy,

      I'm sure that there are lots of conversion sites that you could simply plug in my weights and measures and get them converted to your measure of choice. Let me know if you still have a problem and I'll see what I can do ;o)

  • Sandpiper

    Mmm…I love lemon curd! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I'll have to make up a batch myself!