
Down the Garden Path

Well, Spring is certainly on the way! Thursday morning the sun came out and beckoned me outdoors. All sorts of lovelies are peeking out their heads. So each and every ‘recess’ I dashed outside to get my hands in the earth and clear some winter moss and weeds. As I did so, more and more Crocus revealed themselves. In fact, Crocus line almost all the sidewalks and parks right now, bringing a burst of colour where ever you look. What joy they bring to this dull month!

In fact, I decided to break away from our usual Friday OHC and make a little study of the Crocus. The girls loved examining these little beauties up close. Once we had finished reading from the Handbook of Nature Study and made an entry into our journals, we decided to plant the two Crocus that we had dug up into a little pot indoors. They are doing beautifully and are thriving indoors – as they are out. We observed that the Crocus love the warmth of the sun as much as we do. The minute we brought our specimens indoors, they began to open!

On a quick side note…remember our twig OHC? Well, look at our Horse Chestnut twig. It’s bud is opening – much to the excitement of the girls.

 I would love to force a few Forsythia branches – but have no clue what the bare branches look like!

Snowdrops abound at this time too. How pretty these little maids are! I see that Edith Holden must have found these little flowers just as enchanting as we do as she painted them on the front of her ‘February’ page in her country diary (Country Diary of An Edwardian Lady).

Well, with all this new life about it inspired two things. 1. I got out my propagator and started off 30 Sweetpea seeds. I’m looking forward to seeing the tender shoots peep up in a few weeks. And 2. I sat down on Friday afternoon to plot out all our Lenten plans (which I will share with you in a few days).

So that is a day in the week of my life ;o) I hope to spend a bit more time in my garden tomorrow and get all those beds weed and moss free, ready for those new seedlings when they are strong enough!