
Create::Grow::Write and More

Today I am joining Amy on her lovely blog Love Made My Home for her Five on Friday link up.

1. Create

It’s been half-term holidays in England this week and it’s been wonderful to have the days to do with as we please. We’ve had two and a bit days where the sun has shone – England looks so pretty in the sunshine 🙂

I’ve also had time to do a bit of sewing and re-stock my Etsy shop. My DPN cosies have been flying off the shelves. I listed some on the 11th of the months and they were all sold out by Tuesday this week. So two days of cutting, sewing and installing snap closures have proved fruitful as I now have a healthy stock of 14 DPN cosies in the shop.

2. Highs and Lows

Just like the weather this week, we’ve had sunny spells and rather gloomy spells. I’m pleased to recall that we’ve had mostly sunny with only one gloomy event. 

Sunny: A birthday in the house (DD2 is 16 on Sunday), Half-term, friends to visit, reading the feedback from all my precious readers!

Gloomy: We had to have our little hamster euthanized. She had been poorly for two weeks with wet tail. After numerous visits to the vet and daily dosing of two different antibiotics it became apparent that this little fur-baby was not getting better. It’s always so sad to have to make a call like the one we had to make this week. The vet was wonderful and assured us that really, there was nothing left too do.

3. Grow

It’s nearly time!

Yip it is nearly time to start planting those summer vegetable seeds. This week I picked up three of our families favourite veggies. I’m quite excited about the tomato’s this year. Previously having lived further north I have never once had my tomato’s ripen on the vine. But this year I have high hopes – we have to have the advantage living so far south in England!! 

4. Write

If you don’t already know, I’ve been a contributing author to two homeschooling publications for some years. One is Barb’s Outdoor Hour Challenge Newsletter, and the other is The Curriculum Choice review website. Last year I took a break for writing for The Curriculum Choice – I was just feeling completely overwhelmed with our (at the time) impending move. Happily I’m feeling more in control of my life in general and now feel like I can once again get serious about my writing. The websites owner has been wonderful and welcomed me back as a contributing author with open arms. I love this homeschooling community 🙂 

5. Homeschooling

Next week we are back to our school lessons. January and February have really felt like a muddle with my eldest starting work and my youngest and I adjusting to the change. This week we had a ‘meeting’ to discuss what it is that she (youngest DD) wanted to achieve and work towards for the future. Her heart is set on going to university (Oxford at that). She has no idea what she wants to study but if uni is where she wants to go then we need to take appropriate steps. So when we start up our lessons on Monday it is with a fresh attitude, renewed vigour and focused goals. I’ll spend a bit of time this weekend  planning out the schedule of work that we need to achieve throughout the remainder of this year in order to get on and remain on track.

That about wraps up today’s post. This weekend is set to be a busy but special one. We have friends coming over to celebrate DD2’s 16th with lunch and a milkshake bar! I’ve been pinning all sorts of delicious milkshake options so I can’t wait for that. And now dear friends I’m off to grab a cup of tea and go and wrap birthday gifts 🙂

Happy Days!


  • Lisa from @intotheglade

    I so sorry to hear about your Hampster:( We have been loving half term this week too, such a change of pace! I hope your daughter has a great birthday and good luck with the home schooling! Have a lovely weekend celebrating xx

  • Tracy

    Sorry to hear about your hamster Shirley Ann.
    I'm looking forward to some of your English sunshine when I visit the UK in July/August. Our Aussie sunshine is too harsh.
    I'm visiting via Amy's linkup and I'll be back.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Tracy. I know what you mean about Aussie sunshine being hectic – I'm originally from South Africa and the summers were just awful for me – I'm not a great lover of intense heat. England's summers are just perfect for me. I hope that we have a lovely one for your visit later on in the year.

  • Tanya

    I'm so sorry about your Hamster 🙁 So hard when you do all you can but still aren't able to help them.

    Our Jan/Feb have been similar~ I'm now reassessing our weekly schedule and arranging things better. My son has a chronic illness and has been SO fatigued the last two months….time to try something new!

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend! My oldest just turned 16 as well~ so exciting 🙂

    Take care xo

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thanks Tanya. It must be very difficult to get things done with a child who is ill – I hope that you hit on just the right schedule for your family! 🙂

  • Amy at love made my home

    So sorry to hear about your hamster, it is always so very sad to lose a beloved pet. I am glad that you have many things to help to add some cheer in this sad week. Happy Birthday to your daughter, I hope that it is wonderful!!! I hope that both of your daughters can achieve all their dreams! Thank you so much for joining in the anniversary of Five On Friday, I really do appreciate it so much! Have a good weekend! xx

  • Lilly's Mom

    It's always sad when you lose a much loved pet. I'm so sorry. I enjoyed discovering your blog. It sounds like you have had a good week with the school break. I can send you some sunshine as we are going to have another heat wave down here in southern California! My best to you, Pat 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      It is, but she had a lovely happy life 🙂 – a bit of your sunshine would go down rather well Pat 🙂 – please do send it our way lol

  • Mac n' Janet

    Great post. I've often wondered what mangetout was, now I know. I have nothing but admiration for parents who homeschool. I was a teacher and if our daughter was still of school age I would be teaching her at home.

  • eclectichomelife

    Sorry to hear about your hamster. Never an easy loss. Sending virtual hugs. Wow home schooling to get into university. I take my hat off to you. It must be such a great learning curve for you also, so interesting and rewarding but such work!! I bet this makes such a close bond for you all xxxx

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you eclectichomelife :). I know! homeschooling to get into uni – very daunting. It's going to be allot of hard work and dedication. She's going to have to get straight A's and get involved in other community projects to show her character in order to get in. homeschooling in general makes a close bond for us all – I wouldn't have it any other way 😉

  • Penny

    I'm sorry about your hamster. Saying goodbye to a cherished pet is so hard.

    I hope your daughter has a lovely birthday – and a milkshake bar! What a great idea. I hope it helps cheer everyone up.

    Enjoy beautiful England!

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Penny – The idea for a milkshake bar came up when we discussing with some friends how hard it is to find a decent milkshake these days and dreaming of the ones we had growing up. So the milkshake bar idea was born LOL

  • Linda P

    It's hard to lose a family pet so I'm sorry about your hamster. I'm interested that you follow the terms and holidays with those of the mainstream UK schooling system even though you home school. I expect that's because you're able to visit other families who are not home schooled when they're on holiday. Our city's state schools had a half term break the week before. We're still available for our two local grandchildren even though one is at college and the other is in high school. Have a wonderful weekend celebrating a birthday. All the best as you readjust your routine.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank ou Linda. For the most part we follow the school terms and holidays and you are right, it's because the girls friends are all in school and it's really the only time they can spend extended time together. If we want to go away during school term time we do and I just adjust the time taken across the other holidays if necessary, but really we don't often need to as we are usually finished all our work before the end of the school year.

  • Coastal Ripples

    Good luck with your goal setting next week. I definitely think Spring is in the air, there has been a lot of talk about seed choosing on people's blogs. I really will have to start sorting mine. Enjoy your weekend. Barbara.

  • September Violets

    That's too bad about the hamster. We've had quite a few hamsters in our care, but I'm glad they've all gone to that sawdusty heaven as I grew tired of the little guys escaping from their cages in the middle of the night! All were found and accounted for (thankfully!). Now we have a larger rabbit, and they live considerably longer. Love your idea for the DPN cozies! this is so clever. I usually stick my needles back into the wool and hope for the best. I can see why they are selling so well, they look like they keep your work very tidy (and the fabrics are so pretty!). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I hope you get more sunny days than rainy.

  • Elizabeth

    Always so happy to see a new post in the inbox! Please add my condolences for your sweet hamster.

    Envious of the " English summers…perfect". Alabama summers are miserable, indeed. Another reason England has always beckoned.

  • Angela M - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

    I really must get my seed tin out and start preparing for sowing, so sorry to hear about your hamster.

    Angela – Garden Tea Cakes and Me