
Celebrating the Year: September

September marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Towards the end of the month the leaves of the deciduous trees will begin to change, cloaking nature in rich hues of golds, reds, russets and browns. Children go back to school, in our case lessons begin once again, and life returns to a humdrum of normality after the summer holidays.

All around us, nature has something to say about this month and if you do a bit of research you will find loads of interesting historical happenings in September. Keeping the season and our faith in mind, I usually go looking for some appropriate way to celebrate those important happenings in our lives. Small ways to mark the  month and create memories for my family.

Here are our families plans to celebrate September.

To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run.

~ John Keats


Gem: Sapphire

Flower: Aster

A Traditional Rhyme: Married in September’s golden glow, smooth and serene your life will go.

Full Harvest Moon ~ 19th


(I will use this list to plan some fun activities to mark these days – baking or crafting)

Holy Rood Day a.k.a Holy Cross Day ~ 14th

St. Matthews Day ~ 21st

Michaelmas ~ 29th

Harvest Festivals


Autumnal Equinox ~ 22nd


Apple Picking

Migrating Birds


More visitors at the bird feeders

Ripening sunflower heads

Seed Collecting

Shortening days very noticeable

Temperatures drop

Autumn haze evident

Smell of woodsmoke in the air

Leaves beginning to yellow


Home and Garden

*Sort out clothing cupboards – donate clothes that no longer fit (done!)

*Make a list of winter clothing needs (done!)

*Start adding autumn decorating touches to our home

*Bring out blankets ~ try to delay switch on time of the C/H

*Check C/H system

*Deep clean kitchen cupboards and begin stocking pantry

*Plan cooking days to stock up freezer and preserve garden and foraged harvest

*Plant winter veg

*Clear out summer annuals

*Plant spring bulbs

*Make sure garden furniture & BBQ is protected from coming winter weather

Arts & Crafts

Bake a ‘Foragers’ Cake for Holy Rood/Cross Day

Autumn Leaf Candle Jar

Painted Fall Leaves

Make some Crock pot Spicy Apple Butter

Collect Pinecones for garland

Make a Twig Votive for our nature table

Bake Apple Bundt Cake

So there we go, this is my inspiration ‘board’ for September. I will be updating the ‘Book Basket’ on my sidebar over the next few days with books that will be in our September basket, so be sure to check out some of these great books.

Well time is slipping away from me and there are many things that are calling for my attention, so I will love and leave you for today :o)

One Comment

  • imperfectly natural mama

    This post makes me so excited for Autumn, I love it. I can't wait for the crunchy leaves to be on the ground, my little boy will love it, he is already picking up fallen acorns.