
Celebrating Sunshine

We have had such a wet summer so far that it is hard not to go all ga ga when the sun comes out and bathes our patch of earth in it’s delicious warm rays. 

 Perfect opportunity to get some washing on the line. So far we have spent months tripping over various clothes racks scattered throughout the house.

 The garden and insects respond to the slightest bit of warmth and we are rewarded by the bold display of beautiful flowering plants lifting their faces to welcome the sun.

 I couldn’t resist picking some roses from my garden and spend the afternoon whiling away the time outside reading my favorite and most inspiring mag – Country Living.

 And how can you not be inspired with all the beauty and sunshine around to sprinkle the day with some lovely poetry from poets gone by.

The Summer Sun Shone Round Me – Robert Louise Stevenson

THE summer sun shone round me,

The folded valley lay

In a stream of sun and odour,

That sultry summer day.

The tall trees stood in the sunlight

As still as still could be,

But the deep grass sighed and rustled

And bowed and beckoned me.

The deep grass moved and whispered

And bowed and brushed my face.

It whispered in the sunshine:

“The winter comes apace.”


  • Sharon Lovejoy

    Well, I adore Robert Louis Stevenson and so enjoyed this poem and your photos.

    The British Country Living is my FAVORITE magazine. Love it and derive so much pleasure from perusing it.

    Sending California sunshine across the miles so your laundry will dry quickly,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island