Back to Homeschool: Creating a Christ-Centered Morning Routine
Starting your homeschool day with a Christ-centered morning routine is more than just a good habit—it’s a powerful way to invite God’s presence into your home and set a peaceful tone for the…
July Home and Homeschool Links
I love observing the seasons. Each month brings its own delights and unique character which I have embraced and celebrated over the years in our home and homeschool. I thought that it would…
The Ultimate Big Garden Birdwatch Homeschool Resource
It is January and traditionally that means it is the month of the Big Garden Birdwatch here in the UK. I’m publishing this post early so that you have plenty of time to…
Nature Study:: Lichens, Journals & Nature Tables
The trees and shrubs in our garden are covered in lichens. Initially, I thought that it was harmful to the host plants but once I delved into lichens and learnt a bit more…
Planning To Implement Nature Study?
It is my habit to check my social media accounts before we start lessons. This morning as I was quickly scrolling through my Facebook feed I noticed that my friend, Lynn, is offering…
Homeschool Nature Study – Fall Fungi
Nature Study seems to have taken a bit of a back seat in our homeschool.. This makes me sad as it was something that we did each Friday. I recently sat down to…
Nature Study:: British Palmate Newt
It is a GLORIOUS day in Devon today, perfect for getting outside and doing a bit of nature study. As I mentioned last week sometime, we found lots of newts in our pond,…
A Lovely Autumn Day
Oh my goodness we have had some glorious sunshine for the last little while! For almost a week now we have had clear sunny skies, cool but comfortable temperatures and a brisk breeze…
Homeschoolture Study With Teens: Autumn Leaves
During the autumn the attention of the children should be attracted to the leaves by their gorgeous colors. ~ Anna Botsford Comstock, ‘The Handbook of Nature Study’ pg 622 For the past week…
Nature Study – The Honey Bee
Last week was our final week of lessons. DH has had a bit of leave before he goes down to Plymouth on Sunday and so this week we really wanted to spend a…