
Bluebells in May

Since moving to England where the seasons are more marked than in the warmer climes of South Africa, I have become very attuned to what each month brings. May brings bluebells.

I take the girls for a bluebell walk each year and each year we are once again wowed by the beauty of their display. This year we joined up with a couple of other families from church and set out for a bluebell walk after Sunday’s church service.

We walked through the churchyard and out through a little path which led us through farmers fields. The tree line below is where we were heading – so not a long walk, just a very beautiful one.

Soon we entered Linacre woods – one of our favourite nature walk haunts. It has 3 reservoirs and lots of weirs where the water moves from one reservoir to the other – the perfect place to stop and watch the younger children in our group play Pooh sticks.

The bluebells were out in force! Such a lovely display. Last year they were very late in coming out due to our extended and snow winter, but this year they were right on time.

After walking around all three reservoirs, we stopped to picnic in the woods before returning to the church yard. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning!

Have a super day everyone and hope to see you back here very soon 😉


  • karen

    beautiful! I love their purplely blue colors 🙂 Looks like a fun outing for all!

  • Sue

    I so enjoyed this post, Shirley Ann. The bluebells are beautiful, and it makes my heart glad to hear about your walk and picnic. I love being aware of the seasonal changes and keep a diary that includes my nature notes. I find myself referring to it often. In 2012 the Bradford pears on our lane came into bloom on April 2nd, but this year the blossoms opened just last week–nearly a month late!