
Bits and Bobs …

Things have turned extremely cold here in England all of a sudden. Snow fell across Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of Northern England over the weekend, we were just a little too low to get a sprinkling but I know that snow fell over the peaks through which we drive every fortnight for art.

As I type this post the clouds are pushing in and the winds are picking up as a storm pushes in. It’s so cold – 2 degrees at the moment according to my thermometer!

This week is the last week of enjoying my autumn decorations around the home. I love the way the candlelight picks up on all the autumnal colours of the leaf garland on my mantle. Over the weekend it will be replaced by an evergreen garland decorated with red and gold baubles – and the tree goes up too! So much to look froward to 🙂

I’ve been busy finishing up some Christmas gifts – they are all done and in good time too this year! Whoohoo! I can’t show too much here, just a little peek or two perhaps…

I wanted to share a frugal find that is helping to keep my home a little warmer over these cold days…

A door-curtain. This door leading from my kitchen into the the laundry lets in an arctic blast of cool air which makes the whole kitchen rather frigid in the winter. I cannot close this door as the cat litter boxes are down this corridor. We have curtains over the front door and the sliding doors into the conservatory and they work wonders as keeping the cold air out. This seemed like the perfect solution for the kitchen door.

A few weeks ago I went trawling the charity shops for curtains, I could not find one single curtain long enough so I ended up buying a set of short curtains for £3.00. I cut the curtain tape off one and sewed it to the bottom of the other curtain and voila! A full length curtain which is more than doing a great job and keeping the cold drafts out while still allowing the cats access to their litter boxes.

I plan to do a Frugal Friday post soon just to give a bit of feedback on how the great experiment to cut back my grocery bill went last month – I know I missed a few Friday’s there. 

Anyhoo, I hope that you are all keeping warm where ever you are. Have a lovely Tuesday and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for a Yarn Along post.