
Before The Move

It’s not long now! We have exactly one week before we watch our belongings get loaded up and head on down to Devon. It’s all getting quite exciting in a bitter/sweet kind of way. 

I’ve had a lovely friend from South Africa staying with us since Wednesday last week – she left this morning- what fun we had. We did lots of touristy things of course, visiting some lovely National Trust properties…

taking walks and watching the girls ring at a young ringers even they had on Sunday. I haven’t seen them ring in over a year and I have to say I was very impressed with how well they are doing. Watching them has really reinforced the need to get them into ringing in Devon – I don’t want them to give up such an awesome interest! If you want to see what ringing is all about here’s a video I took of them on Sunday…

Here are a few shots of the bells and the amazing view from the top of the tower…

Around here we are seeing hints of Autumn ALREADY! Eeep – how can that be?? I will be interested to see if the same hints of the approaching season are evident in Devon. 

I have to dash – the girls are ringing tonight and I have to get them fed before they go 🙂 but before I go I thought I would show you what my eldest daughter did for me…

she made my crochet hooks all pretty 🙂

Blessings to you all…


  • Catherine

    Good Luck with your move and all the last minute packing. We hope to be moving to Worcestershire later in the year. He has already been in the loft rescuing possessions he has not see since 1986! The problem is that he is having a hip replacement next week and if we sell this is his last chance to attack the loft.
    I look forward to seeing your new home.

  • mamasmercantile

    Exciting times although bitter/sweet. Hope all goes well and that you get settled in and unpacked really quickly. Good luck with finding a place for bell ringing.

  • Michelle

    Oh how lovely my friend – please be sure to let me have your new address – wishing you all every happiness with your new adventure xx

  • Unknown

    Hi Shirley, I love the ringing of the bells! Amazing! What a wonderful thing for them to do! How exciting you you are moving to Devon! Thinking of you as you move and settle in to a new place. xx