
Backyard Spring Observations

Colour is beginning to creep into my garden – so are the weeds, I mean wildflowers :o)

Along the front of the house my tulips have sprouted forth and are giving a wonderful show of flowers this year.

Round back the Camellia is still going strong. The petals on these flowers don’t stay for long and the lawn is littered with pink petals from it and from the Magnolia tree which is reaching the end of it’s pink spring display.

The lawn which has already received it’s first cut is already looking shaggy and in desperate need of another cut just 3 weeks after it’s first. However the rain has not been giving us enough of a break to dry the ground out in order to cut. However, it is really pretty to see all the little white daisy like flowers (DH would say weeds) poking their cheery heads up above the green carpet.

Dandelions are in abundance at the moment, within our garden’s boundary…

and without…

This excites me no end I have to say because I have a couple of firm favourite recipes on hand that use up those pretty yellow petals. This weekend I plan on harvesting flower heads and then get baking and preserving!

The hedge in our backyard that separates us from the farm next door is flowering. I have no clue what it is but it’s pretty :o)

This particular flowerbed is full of grape hyacinth at the moment as well as a carpet of delicate purple flowers – again, I’m sure they are weeds but I really like how pretty it looks. I’ll enjoy the display for a few more days before digging it all over and planting my summer flowers.

So that’s a little bit of ‘happy’ this week :o) 

Blessings to you all…