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    January Days

    Hello lovelies! Can it be the 20th of January already? How has your month been so far? Mine has been great. Hubby has been on two weeks leave so we’ve all been spending…

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    Looking Ahead: 2019

    Its that time of year again where we look back over the year we’ve just journeyed and forward into a year that holds a world of possibilities. We all have things that we…

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    Country Life

    I ADORE living in the country. I know that some would find it a nightmare but not me. I love being close to nature, watching the gentle rhythems of the natural year reveal…

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    A Homespun Tree

    Our tree is up and it looks beautiful in all its homespun glory. I absolutely love this years tree, in fact, I think that it has to be my most favourite yet. We…

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    Citrusy Mince Pies

    Hello lovelies! Today is a beautiful, clear, cold December day here in Cheshire. I’m trying very hard to ignore the political debacle that has been raging in Westminster over the past 24 hours.…

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    Trust in the Lord

    I am working my way through the ‘Pilgrim Psalms’ or ‘Psalms of Ascent’, these are Psalms 120 through to 134. Today I was reading Psalm 121 and as I allowed it to sink…

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    Crafting Christmas

    Yesterday was wet…very wet. Puddles pooled along the drive and the horses in the field behind our home looked rather miserable so I pulled on my wellies and treated them each to a…

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    Back to Simplicity

    Advent starts on Sunday and I don’t feel ready for it at all! November has been a whirlwind of a month. We’ve travelled to Iceland, I went to the Knitting and Stitching show…