
Along Devonshire Lanes…

After our nature walk today (which I will do a separate post on) we decided to take the long and scenic route to the store – it has been such a gloriously sunny week that it just seemed like the right thing to do – taking the slow, winding way.

 At the top of our road is narrow country lane that takes you up into Dartmoor, and it’s along this road that we decided to loose ourselves. One thing I am learning about Devon is that all those tiny roads that snake their way over the countryside are pretty well signposted with pointers to someplace that you will recognise. If you just keep pointing your car in the right direction you will get there eventually.

Devonshire country lanes are narrow – and not as scary as they were 6 months ago 🙂 You just need to drive cautiously and remember where the closest widening along the way is that you could reverse to should you encounter another car – they do the same.

Fortunately we only encountered 3 cars along our drive so for the most part we could simply enjoy the countryside. Above is St. Petroc’s Church (there are many churches in the West Country called St. Petroc as he was from this part of the country). I love how it sits right on the road, easy for passersby to pop in. 

Can you see here that the lane widens a little on the right so that cars can pass? This little bridge is barley wide enough for a single car – as we waited for one of those three cars to cross the bridge we heard the driver’s wing mirror scrape along the bridge wall. I am reminded to go slowly to avoid doing the same.

The hedgerows are high, although we don’t feel closed in because they have not yet started to green up – spring only officially arrives on Sunday after all. So the hedgerows are still in winter mode. We wind our way through the lanes, every so often there is a break in the hedge and we can peek into a farmers field. – they are full with sheep and their lambs. We round a corner and suddenly we see the moorland, wide and open, in the distance. It’s a bit of a juxtaposition as it contrasts with the narrow closed in lane that we are on.

The ‘unnamed road’ – there are MANY in Devon, slowly slips into Vicarage Hill and a tiny hamlet appears before us.

We slow down, I think one of these homes is a B & B too as two walkers step out in their walking gear. It certainly is a perfect day for walking and exploring the moor. I stop the car and snap a picture of the lane that we have just driven down – I could so live out here! Imagine the stars at night and the deep peaceful silence that you would find out here.

All too soon our little sojourn ends as we find ourselves on a wider road – wide enough for two cars to pass – that leads us through more beautiful Devonshire countryside and into the superstores parking lot. It seems so out of place to have this huge store plonked right here in this unspoiled land. I feel blessed to be living here – and for the first time since our move, I feel like this is home.

I’m linking this post up to Amy’s Five on Friday party as I have 5 pictures of our explorations 🙂


Blessings to you all this beautiful day…


  • Jean | DelightfulRepast.com

    Shirley, I'd love to visit Devonshire one day. And Cornwall. I've only ever been north from London.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Jean I hope that you do! It's beautiful in the West country, very quaint and rural. 🙂

  • mamasmercantile

    I am so glad that you have settled and can finally call it home, that is such a good feeling. You certainly took us on a great tour.

  • Amy at love made my home

    It was so lovely to go along on your walk with you, all of your photos – obviously in Devon I realise! – had a real Devon feel to them, the things that are so typical of the county. Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, hope you have a good weekend and a good Easter! xx

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thanks for hosting Five on Friday Amy, I always love visiting your blog. Have a wonderful Easter too.

  • Denise

    Hi Shirley,

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing these pictures of the English countryside and charming villages. I was lucky enough to visit England in 1999 with my husband when he was there on business. We stayed in Bedfordshire at a country hotel. It was a mill house, and there were swans, ducks, a goat, sheep, and a few dogs. I loved staying there. 🙂 I have many pictures that I took and wonderful memories of that trip.

    Thanks for sharing your drive through the Devon countryside, and I'm glad you're starting to feel at home there. Visiting from Five on Friday — have a great weekend.


    Denise at Forest Manor

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Denise,

      Thanks for you comment. I loved reading about your last visit to England, hopefully you will be able to visit again one day and see what's on offer in Devon and Cornwall 🙂

  • Coastal Ripples

    Your lanes are narrow and twisty like our lanes in Jersey. The views are stunning. You live in a very beautiful part of the world. Barbara

    • Shirley-Ann

      I would love to visit Jersey one day Barbara 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment so that I can visit your blog.

  • Linda

    I remember driving the English country lanes when we lived in England. Devon was one spot we didn't get to visit and it is at the top of the list for the next time we go. I'm visiting from Five on Friday.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Linda you will have to visit Devon on your return trip – there is so much to see! Make it in summer though – winter is wet and awful 🙂

  • Mac n' Janet

    We have driven some of your Devonshire roads and they're not for the fainthearted, especially the one-lane tracks between the hedgerows.

    • Shirley-Ann

      LOL – you are so right! The first time we drove along the Devon lanes I just about had a heart attack!

  • DeliveringGrace

    I love Devon although driving along the lanes can be nerve racking at times! One of our happiest holidays was in a thatched cottage in Devon-a bit like being Milly Molly Mandy's family!

    • Shirley-Ann

      It can be a bit like that Sarah – Devon is really like living in a storybook sometimes 😉

  • Monica

    You already know that I love those narrow lanes! 🙂 Seems like the perfect place for "slow living"!!
    So glad to hear you're more relaxed now, and feel at home.