
Advent Begins…

Well hello! My goodness, it has been ages since I was last here. The days just seem to be whizzing by don’t they? Here we are December 1st already! Lets have  little ‘catch-up’ post.

Sunday was the start of Advent. On Saturday I packed away all the autumn decorations and got our Advent wreath ready.

I popped a few wintry looking candles onto the mantle and scattered about some pine-cones.

They are just so cute don’t you think? If you live in the UK you can grab your own from Tesco for £1.50 each. 

Today, being the 1st of December, it is the official start of baking season in our home 🙂 The first batch of mince pies have just come out the oven and the whole house smells Christmassy – lovely!

Last week I got an early start on my Christmas card writing. I’m pleased to say that all that’s left to do is post them off. I thought I would wait to pop them into the post box until next week, after all, December has only JUST started 😉

I really do love writing out cards for friends and family each year. It is good to take time out of a busy day, sit quietly with a cup of tea (in my new winter mug – I just love it, so pretty) and pen warm messages to those who are dear to my heart. This is one of those ‘small pleasures’ that I often mention about enjoying and savouring 🙂

I just had to squeeze in a picture of my daughters latest Polymer Clay creations…

She’s made the prettiest buttons. I think that they would look fantastic on a little hand-knit jumper. After having chosen a few for my own stash, we listed the rest in our Etsy Store. I’m not sure if there is a market for them but I thought they were cute enough to give it  go.

Well my lovely friends, that’s it for today, I’m about to dash off to take dd2 to a trampoline class. I’ll see you back here tomorrow for a Yarn Along post 🙂 

Have a lovely evening.


  • mamasmercantile

    One of my favourite Christmas pastimes/preparations is writing cards to family and friends. It really is the simple things in life….

  • Sue

    This year has flown by for me; I can hardly believe that Advent is upon us. You've got a good start on the season with baking, decorating, and Christmas cards all ready to send, How pretty your wreath and candles are! And, your mince pies look lovely and delicious. I must say that your daughter's polymer creations always wow me–her designs are so cute, useful, and really professional looking. Well done! ♥

  • Amy at love made my home

    I got my cards done early, but was late with my advent candles, only sorting them today, it is one of my favourite Christmas traditions. xx