
Aaaaah – April!

I really do love April. There is such hope in the air. Yesterday was one of sunshine and showers and I enjoyed both. Right now I am loving my Magnolia tree that is breaking out in it’s pretty pink spring display …

… and my spring pots…

Today I spent a bit of time pottering about my home. When the sun was shining I opened up the doors and windows and let the warm air filter through the house. I spent a bit of time adding a spring touch to the conservatory.

My Mothers Day Lavender pot is all planted up – can’t wait to see it grow and bloom, and my twigs await their Easter decor in the coming weeks.

While working in the conservatory – look who came a-visiting…

In the lounge a little summery seaside touch has been added to the mantle…

I have a jar of shells and sea-glass collected from our holiday in Cornwall last year, and a jar of  Razor Shells and a lovely pebble collected off a beach in Morecambe Bay two years back.

A small Lenten touch has been added in the corner of the room…

…and in the kitchen…

… a little posy in a tea pot.

It all brings a song of joy to my heart :o) …


  • karen

    oh you taunt me with your blossoms and sunny blue skies! We have day after day of gray clouds, drizzle and cold. Yesterday the sun peeked out for about an hour and I ran out and soaked it up before it disappeared again. Lovely views from your windows!!

  • Creative Life Studio

    Just gorgeous!! Does spring always arrive so early in England? It's a true explosion happening over there. We had more snow yesterday. 🙁 It didn't stick, but I am just STARVED for green and flowers. Your pictures are fitting the bill pretty nicely for now. 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Nicole – no – it does not usually arrive so early. We have had a very mild winter – no snow to speak of in England although plenty in Scotland. This time last year we were knee deep in snow and none of the blooms that are out now were out then.

    • Lisa Uotinen

      Oh your flowers! Amazing! The colors! How interesting that spring arrived early for you in England…I had thought you must always be several weeks ahead of us here in Virginia, but sounds as if this timing is a bit unusual?