
A Snapshot of July

July has been amazing so far. We’ve had…

 a mini heatwave – and can I just say that I’m really glad it was ‘mini’! I do enjoy warm balmy days and sunshine, but excessive heat – not so much.

…the most beautiful full moon


The girls being selected for the Derbyshire Young Ringers team, them traveling to Oxford to compete and their team coming 2nd!

Aren’t those medals lovely?

… my orchid is just looking incredible at the moment. It’s putting out quite a display.

…and my Hydrangea clippings that I took last autumn are in flower! It’s a very satisfying feeling when something you propagated is doing so well. I’m definitely digging this plant up and taking it with me when we move to Devon in August!

So that’s 15 days down – 16 more to go 🙂