
A Quick Catch Up

Last week Thursday Britain was hit with a HUGE storm. Scotland and Northern England were worst affected, we live in the Midlands and still experienced strong gale-force winds. So much so that our water butt that collects rain water was ripped off the wall and blown about the garden like a cardboard box! 

We decided not to go out and instead stayed home, continued in our lessons and spent the afternoon baking a pumpkin pie with the last of the pumpkins we grew. 

My paper-white narcissus that I purchased from Tesco at the beginning of December is growing in leaps and bounds! Already a flower-bud head is forming. I was really hoping for the blooms to come out in January, but it looks like it could be sooner.

As I thought – there was no holding off decorating the tree once it arrived. So we now have our lovely Norway Spruce twinkling in the corner of the living-room, sending over the most wonderful wafts of alpine magic every so often – and dropping oh-so-many needles every day! Vacuuming has become a daily chore in our home :o)

My toenails even got the Christmas decor treatment! Miss V-L is quite into nail art at the  moment, she wanted to give me some seasonal nails – I hate my fingernails having anything on them, so conceded to letting her prettify my toes LOL.

On the knitting front, I am on the home stretch to finishing DH’s weekend jersey! Wooooohooo! I am literally just sewing the sleeves in and then the side seams. No pictures until he is modelling his new jersey for me! I feel such a huge sense of accomplishment. It has been SO much knitting with lots and lots of adjustments and additions to suit his tastes. I will be sure to share at the next Yarn Along. My girls are requesting jersey’s now, and I am willing to comply! If I can knit a jersey for a 6ft 5in man, I can cope with anything smaller :o) 

Schooling – we are in our last week before we break for the Christmas holidays. We are breaking slightly sooner than most schools in our county as we started a week earlier – and I am tired! It’s been a strange term for me, I have not felt quite on top of their lessons. I have set aside the last week of holidays to do some serious planning and mapping out for the rest of our school year.

And that’s about it for now. All Christmas shopping has been done – just a few things for Christmas dinner to buy but otherwise we are quite sorted. It’s a good feeling to be done with all that – I really cannot bear thronging Christmas crowds in the stores – I am a bit crowd-o-phobic I have to say. Too many people = too much sensory overload for me. So the thought of a relaxing two weeks before Christmas is quite lovely :o)

The sun is already weakening here and in a another half hour we will be turning on lights, in the mean time, I am off to light the candles :o)

Have a lovely afternoon…


  • Anonymous

    Both my wheelie bins blew down- one now has a broken lid. I am so envious of you finishing things- I am a little bit in denial of how much I still would like to accomplish! Maybe it's time to get realistic. Enjoy your candlelight. Can't wait to see the completed jumper.

  • Cath

    Hi Shirley. It just had a lovely long browse of your Christmas decor. It's beautiful. Well done. Wouldn't it be nice to sit in you pretty kitchen and catch up over a pot of tea.