
A Look At The Week

Well hello everyone! I’ve scheduled this post so that we can chat about the coming week. We are currently in Plymouth, Devon. We have never been to Devon before but we love exploring this beautiful country of ours and I hope to have some pictures to show you on our return.

I wanted to have a quick look at the week to come – there are TWO feast days to celebrate in some way in our home this week. St.Patrick’s on Tuesday and St. Joseph’s on Thursday.

I think I’m going to be keeping St. Patrick’s rather simple as we are heading back from Devon on that day. A simple beef and Guinness stew for supper is probably all we will manage. I’ll also make sure that our St. Pat’s saint card is up on display for us to see. I’m really trying to establish the four saints of the British Isles in our home at the moment. We are taking our citizenship test this year and believe it or not, you need to know the patron saints of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales – dates too. 

Friday ushers in the official start of spring – yipeeee! I’m hopeful for a lovely sunny day {hope hope :)}

I tell you, I am more than ready for spring! I can’t wait to see the garden come to life, insects return, and enjoy longer days. This winter has been ok with only February really getting me down, but it’s time for a new season to enter in!

Well I hope that you are all enjoying a wonderful start to a new wonderful week. See you soon 🙂