
A Homespun Tree

Our tree is up and it looks beautiful in all its homespun glory.

I absolutely love this years tree, in fact, I think that it has to be my most favourite yet.

We made these little fan rosettes from pages of sheet music. I think these are my favourite because they stand out from afar and add such interest.

These card baubles were made by my eldest daughter a few years ago and we put them on the tree every year. This year I feel that their presence is enhanced by the other handcrafted tree decorations. 

And of course, the little cones that we were busy with last week. 

We dehydrated orange slices (which took ALL day in the oven) but I have to say they look so sweet. I love the way the Christmas lights shine through the orange slices like stained glass. There is so much I love about his tree and best of all it was just about all handcrafted around the dining table with my daughters.

We’ve done away with the rest of the Christmas paraphernalia and it feels good. Clutter-free, simple, relaxed and just right. We’ve finished all our gift shopping and all the tasty Christmas fare is in the freezer waiting for our celebratory meal. My daughter is busy printing our Christmas wrapping paper with her original designs and with only a week to go I am feeling relaxed and happy that we have ‘done’ Christmas the way we wanted. We’ve kept it simple and within budget. I don’t feel like I’ve been swept along in the Christmas madness.  Lovelies…I pray that you are experiencing the true peace of the season that comes from seeking Jesus and from the love we share with others. I’ll leave you with this beautiful video that I have shared with you in the past. 

Wishing you all a calm and peaceful week. Blessings in Christ…