
Family Journal

I knew that this year was going to be one of change for us but it seems that change is coming from some unexpected quarters! 

Nos Mayo – Devon

 In a little over a month, we will be packing all our worldly possessions (well a removal company will be doing that 😊) and bidding farewell to Devon! I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am about this move. We are going back to Manchester 💕💖 where we started out 7 years ago and where we still have the best friends in the world and strong connections.

Dad and his girls

 My husband, as long-time readers may know, manages hotels and his company is transferring us back to Manchester. I have prayed for this for so long as Devon really has not been a particularly happy place for us. It’s been tough trying to forge connections and friends and community. Overall, it just has not happened although the Lord did bless us with one amazing christian family whom we have become very good friends with. Happily, everyone in the family is looking forward to the move, even my youngest who hates change. She has some very good friends in Manchester that she has kept up with, in fact spent hours on coach travel this year visiting them and they us, so she is happy to be moving closer. It feels like we are going home after a very long holiday. It feels good.

I was washing the dishes this week and noticed the sweetest interaction between a mama bird and her fledgling under the bird feeder. This baby who is almost as big as it’s mother followed her about begging for food. Dutifully the mother would peck something up from the ground and pop it into her fledglings open beak. I wonder at what point she decides to let baby find it’s own food?

A bit of an emergency this week in our home. Somebody got herself into a bit of a scrap. Probably brought on by her snoopiness. She came creeping into the house early Thursday morning walking gingerly and clearly in pain. She had paint all down the back of her legs. What she’s been up to only she would know. Wish I had a kitty-cam though because I am rather curious. So off to the vet we went. Fortunately there were no broken bones,just severe bruising of her pelvis. So she was given a very strong painkiller and spent the next 24 hours sleeping with her head on a little pillow (courtesy of my daughter) in a little space between the radiator and my box of undyed yarn. I’m happy to report that this morning she was walking normally although still reluctant to move too far.

This was last nights moon. I took this with my everyday bridge camera. No special lenses, just zooming in as much as I could. I love that you can see the craters. I think I’m going to have to paint his moon in my nature journal soon.

Do you know that tonight there is a lunar eclipse? I believe it will be visible over most of Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. I really want to watch this as there is no having to stay up super late etc. But sadly, it looks as though we might be clouded out.

Weeks and weeks and weeks of clear, hot weather and the one day that we have rain and cloud cover is the day that there will be a lunar eclipse! Murphy’s law 😁.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the lunar eclipse if you get the chance.


  • Colleen

    Happy moving, Shirl. I relate so well to the difficulties of settling in new places and am delighted that you and your family will be where you are happy. I'll be across in the UK in September and October to visit family:) xxxx

  • mamasmercantile

    I am thrilled for you, exciting times ahead. We had no luck with the lunar eclipse but there was some rather nice cloud formations.

  • Margaret Dams.

    Yes, Col, and They will be nearer to us here in Reading. Plymouth is too far from here for a day visit. Happy days, Shirl. GranXxx

  • Unknown

    So happy that you all are moving back to where you belong, and that even the one who hates change is very happy about it! 🙂 Have a good, stress-free move!

    Also I'm loving that close-up moon photo! x
