
I Am Yours

Who am I?

That the Lord of earth, would care to know my name,

Would care to feel my hurt.

Who am I?

That the bright and morning star, would choose to light the way,

For my ever wondering heart.

Not because of who I am… but because of what you’ve done.

Not because of what I’ve done… but because of who you are…

I am a flower quickly fading

Here today and gone tomorrow,

A wave tossed in the ocean

A vapour in the wind

Still you hear me when I’m calling,

Lord you catch me when I’m falling,

And you’ve told me who I am….

I am yours… I am yours.

Today I finish up my temp position at the university. I feel blessed to once again be where I belong…at home. It’s funny, this year I have really had to face the question, ‘Who Am I?’ 

I wondered who I would be once homeschooling came to an end, wondered who I would be with young adult children, questioned my purpose and my way forward. 

Being a planner and organiser I felt I had to answer these questions, make a clear-cut picture of who I was and what my life would look like after I have moved through the transition of a life-season. 

All this time the Lord knew already knew the answer, all I needed to do was look to him. I am His

I have felt like a wave tossed in the ocean, like a vapour in the wind. But these last few weeks I have pressed into him and I can feel His peace envelop my soul. I no longer feel I have to carve out a new ‘who I am’. I’m already who I am – I am his and that is enough. I’m still a mom, my fledgling children still need me albeit in a different way. I still have a purpose and a role as wife, mother and homemaker and I am happy and content to rest in that role. 

So who am I?

I’m a daughter of the King

I’m saved and redeemed

I’m a new creation in Christ

I’m a wife

I’m a mother

I’m a daughter

I’m a sister

I’m a granddaughter

I’m a friend

I’m a keeper of the home

I’m a writer

I’m a season keeper

I’m a homeschooling mum

I’m a lover of the simple, frugal life

I’m a lover of God’s created earth and all the wonderful nature that makes it up.

I’m a creator and crafter

I am all that He created me to be…I am His.

Rest in who you are, who God created you to be and the roles and purposes He has ordained for your life. You are His.

Blessings to you all today…