
Weekending & Winter Garden Plans

I have a confession to make. July was a bit of a tough month. I’m not sure if I have shared here but towards the end of October last year, a very dear friend in South Africa told me she had stage 4 appendix cancer that had spread. She was very upbeat about doing whatever it would take to beat it.

Then in January another close friend here in the UK told me that she had been diagnosed with stage 4 skin cancer. The doctors told her that it was too far along for them to do anything. They offered her treatment of course but the prognosis was not great.

In July, both these strong Christian women lost their fight and passed on to glory within 5 days of each other. I have peace knowing that I will see them again but that does not stop me from grieving their loss.


Last week, our conveyancing secretary announced that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It has sent me into a bit of a questioning what it is that is causing this seemingly rise in incidence of this disease? Stats in the UK is that 1 in 2 women will get breast cancer and 1 in 3 will get cancer of some form. That is very hard for me to digest.

So the questions that have been swirling around in my head are: Is it our modern stressful lifestyle? Is it our genetically modified over sprayed food? Is it just that we are more aware of it these days and it is highlighted so much?

I don’t know and I know that regardless, our times are in God’s hands. But I have decided that we need to do what we can as individuals and families to look after our health.

So we have decided that we are going to take a more serious approach to growing our own food and buying organic where we can. We will only buy organic meat and just cut down on our meat consumption in general as we all know how pricey organic meat is and we do still need to observe a budget at the end of the day.


So our winter garden project is going to be establishing and preparing a small orchard, which we will put in the area pictured above where the mushrooms are growing and the raised beds…well that is still to be decided as DH and I have differing opinions on that.



Now, we have a HUGE garden. Let me correct that…we have a lot of space, a lot of lawn and only a few measly planted beds. Do you know what that means? It means that it could quite easily cost a small fortune to establish and proper garden. So what’s the solution?


Propagation! Whether by intent or accident I’m willing to take advantage. Above I have about 20 new foxglove plants, all self-seeded from two that I bought in the spring. This weekend I potted them up and will nurture them over the winter and next year I shall have an impressive display of foxgloves.


I’ve also discovered one area along our patio that is absolutely crammed with plants. They are all squeezing each other out and none of them are really thriving as a result. So once the weather cools down that will be our autumn project, to move as many shrubs as we can into new beds.


I shall also be propagating new hydrangea plants from the ones have bought this year, I do love hydrangeas! They grow so easily and always give an impressive display.





Another little thing that I did over the weekend was some batch cooking. I joined Slimming World on Saturday as I just cannot shift the 5 or so KG’s that have crept up on my. It is of course all down to my weak will power. I know the principles of good old Slimming World eating and I know that it works, but an ice-cream here and a doughnut there are things I just have not cut out.


I finally got to the point where I am sick of making excuses and need accountability so I joined up. Working and eating correctly can be tricky but pre-planning and preparing is one of the keys to success so that’s what I did in-between trying to get the weeds under control in my garden.


That’s the end of this little nonsense post. I’ll be back tomorrow with another post about taking the American SAT (not to be confused with the British SAT’s). I know that it won’t appeal to all but there are a few people who are interested in taking this route with their homeschooling and I get tonnes of questions. It’s easier for me to create an informative little series of posts that anyone can dip into at any point.


Hoping your week is off to a fabulous start everyone 😊



  • Carol

    I enjoyed your 'nonsense post' but sad to hear about your friends. A good friend of mine is going through treatment for breast cancer for the second time. She is adamant hers was stress induced. Praying for her – she's not a Christian yet.
    Propagation – for some reason I do really well with this but pretty much kill everything else I try to grow! I've had varied success with hydrangeas. It haven't worked out yet why some were successful & others weren't.
    We'll be under an English sky soon, too – well, mostly Scottish skies & we're hoping the weather is ok when we get there!
    Interesting to see you mention the SAT. My eldest three did that to get into Uni here in Australia – they had to enrol as 'International Students.' There are more options now so next time we will probably do something else.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Carol, I really do believe that stress plays a large part in our health, which is kind of worrying as I'm a bit of a stress ball. I will pray for you dear friend that she will beat this breast cancer and most importantly come to know our Lord.

      Propagation – I have varied success two. I was watching a snippet from popular gardening program here in the UK yesterday on propagation and the presenter was saying that it is a bit of a race between the cutting taking root before the leaves you have left on the cutting wilting. So that is something I will bear in mind in future.
      Scotland is AMAZING! We have visited the highlands a good few times and just never tire of it. September is always quite a good month in Scotland in our experience. It can turn quickly in October.

  • karen

    I am truly sorry for your loss of two dear friends and so close in time. It's not easy to hear news like that. I am always tweaking my lifestyle in the hopes that I can stay as healthy as I can be.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Karen, it was very sad and took a good few weeks to process it. Even expecting the loss of loved ones does not make it any easier.