
Under An English Sky Yarns

Do you know, I have found this transition from homeschooling to trying to figure out what my new purpose so difficult. I am pretty sure that it is a problem that most mums who have wrapped up their homeschooling have to navigate.

As you know I started a degree last year and really enjoyed learning about the law. I thought that because I enjoyed it so much I should follow that path. That it is the path for me. My new purpose. Except…it’s not

I’ve watched the lawyers work ridiculously long hours and weekends as the norm. That is not something I am willing to do under any circumstances as my priority is and always has been my family and home.

Apart from that personal revelation I’ve found myself reassessing things and have realised that really, my heart is at home and being a creative I need to be doing something creative! So I ordered yarn…as you do.

I far prefer to work from home where I can look after my home and family properly as well as earn a little income on the side. So that is what I’m going to do. I rather enjoy my ‘work’ being of the creative sort and I do enjoy having my pots bubbling away nurturing beautiful colourways that will be knitted up into something lovely.

I have spent a marvellous weekend dying up some old favourites and experimenting with new colourways. It’s funny how new ideas starting popping into your head when you get going. I find myself scribbling ideas on little bits of paper at the strangest times. This morning in church my eyes settled on a frond of something in one of the harvest flower arrangements which immediately translated into an idea for yarn.

So…my Etsy shop is now restocked with much more to come. Above is a pretty colourway called ‘Something Called the Wild Geese’ based on one of our favourite poems from our early homeschooling days. Every autumn the words to Rachel Fields poem come flooding back to me, especially since we actually do have flocks of geese that fly over our home each evening to the fields where they settle for the evening.

Other yarns that are in the shop already are ‘Bracken Woodland’, ‘Miss Potters Paintbox’ the ever-popular ‘Swallows and Amazons’ and the very atmospheric ‘Brooding Storm’.

Now speaking of creativity…are you planning any creative Christmas gift making for loved ones this year? Its already almost the end of October – how does that happen?! I should have started thinking about Christmas crafting before now of course but hey-ho, better late than never. I’m sure I can find some quick and creative makes to russel up.

Have you started Christmas gift-making? If so, what have you been making, I’d love to know.


  • Nicole in MD

    I’m so glad you figured yourself out! When homeschooling finished for me, I thought to myself, “What do I do now?” I floundered for a bit and then was offered the opportunity to teach bible study to a group of 4 year olds. God found a place for me where I can be creative and still be home most of the time. I am only gone two mornings a week. I don’t get any income, but the rewards are fabulous! I love looking at your beautiful yarns, so it makes me happy that you are happy to dye for us!!😄😘

    • Shirley-Ann

      Nicole…..I loved your comment! It is such an encouragment. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who reached the end of such a blessed season and then wondered, "now what?". I would love to teach a bible study but for women, that's long been on my heart. I pray that the Lord will open doors and of course bless my yarn business 😉

      I am always happy to dye yarn for you ;D

  • karen

    I work one day a week babysitting for my dog groomer and that is too much for me (I think this is the last year..) it's nice to know that I've helped a little one but it's nice that she is growing up and will be in school!! I used to be a speech pathologist before kids and I've really been happy being a stay at home mom, now I consider myself retired.

    • Shirley-Ann

      I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one! I'm happiest as a stay at home mum, I'm finding it so frustrating that my home is not running as smoothly as it used to. Only 2 more months to go!