
Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

Well! What a year it has been! 2019 was always going to be a year of change and adjustment for our family as we finished up our homeschooling journey. I certainly underestimated just how much of an adjustment it would be.

One thing I have learned is to allow oneself the kindness of getting used to the new life rhythms. I definitely went through a period of feeling very sad at how life has changed but at the very same time happiness that our daughters are happy and excelling in their universities and on their courses.

I remember taking a day off work a few months ago to try and get things that were being neglected done and to just enjoy being at home. ‘How wonderful it would be to be at home for a whole day’, I thought.

And it was wonderful to a point. Except it wasn’t the same. Both girls were at university and I was at home in a very quiet home. I ended up crying the whole afternoon😂.

It was then that I realised that being at home full-time was not going to be how it was whilst raising and educating children. I also realised that change is inevitable and that our daily lives will change and that that change although painful at times will usher in new and exciting times and opportunities. Just because life looks different does not mean that it’s a bad thing.

It’s funny. When you are in the midst of raising children and home educating it seems like it will last forever. Its a busy time. Then suddenly it’s all done. Yes, they will always need you but not in the same way.

It’s taken until a few weeks ago for peace and acceptance to finally take up residence in my soul. I’m happy. Happy that our daughters are so settled. Happy that although we are all busy doing our own thing all day, at the end of the day we come together and enjoy the evenings together. I’m content in my job and the firm for which I work. I’m excited about my journey to qualifying as a lawyer and grateful for the new opportunities that are being presented to us all. I am finally okay with letting go of the last amazing 21 years, savouring each moment as precious, and looking forward to an exciting future.

2019 was also a year where I had to say goodbye to two of my closest friends as they each lost their battle with cancer. Again, it takes time to accept and come to terms with the fact that I cannot just ring them up and have a good old chat. But I know that I will see them again in heaven one day and for that I am grateful. Both women were so significant in my life and I count myself very blessed indeed to have had them in my life.

Looking forward to 2020

Oh I’m so looking forward to 2020! A new year and a new decade – what’s not to like?

Now that this turbulent year of change has been journeyed through and survived I have an immense sense of relief and am so optimistic about what is to come.

For a start, we are buying our first home in the UK! We will have been here for 9 years in January and it is fair to say that we have moved around quite a bit. We have lived in 4 different cities in the UK and we have truly found our home here in Chester. It is a beautiful city, central so everywhere. Our girls have made such wonderful friends and are so happy. This is where we want to put down roots.

To have our own home again, to potter about and to know that any time and resources we invest will be ours to enjoy for years to come has ignited the nesting instinct in my once again. 


This is what I am aiming for in 2020. Since starting back at work in June, I have felt like I’ve been surviving rather than thriving. My home has not been quite as organised as it once was and the weeks seem to have been speeding by far too quickly – a sure sign that perhaps I haven’t quite had a handle on things.

So in 2020, I want to really focus on restoring balance in our lives. I am determined to make time for things that are important to me and to my family. Our home, spending time together visiting lovely places in the UK (so looking forward to National Trust properties opening again) and being mindful and purposeful in observing the liturgical year and seasons in our home. Celebrating our faith and our family, creating a home which is a refuge and making time for observing and pondering on the small simple things – these are all important things to us.

And blogging…yes, this is important to me. I am a writer and a curator of memories. I want to spend more time here, sharing about the ordinary things I have always shared. I’m not much of an Instagrammer or Facebooker, I find they clutter up my mind and time. But blogging, I’ve been writing here for almost 9 years. I’ve made some lovely friends through here so it’s not something can see myself relinquishing easily. It also helps keep me focused on living that purposeful life that I strive to lead. A life that is God-focused and led. If I can lead that kind of life then I know that peace and contentment will come from Him.

And so my lovely friends, I hope you will continue to visit me here for your comments and input are a blessing. I am encouraged and inspired by you. For those who have blogs that I have discovered through your comments here, I enjoy reading about your little life snippets. 

With just a handful of hours left of 2019, I hope that you take 20 minutes to ponder on and dream about 2020. Let’s make our homes a God-centred haven for our husbands, children and friends. May it be a place that gives all who visit a warm hug and may they leave having been restored and with a spring in their step.

May the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be yours now and into the new decade!


  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Happy New Years!! So good to read your thoughts. I'm sorry for your losses in 2019 and excited for your changes and "balance" to come for 2020 – Grateful for our reconnecting. Looking forward to growing our friendship. You are a beautiful soul!

  • karen

    I remember when I was done with the kids living here and it took many years to adjust. Glad you are planning to continue blogging 🙂