
Early January Days

I know we are only 5 days into January but so far we have had some lovely clear, crisp days. Yesterday we took a drive through the Cheshire countryside to our very first house viewing. It was an absolutely stunning house except one of the bedrooms was more of an office-space that a bedroom. You could not have fitted much more than a single bed into it so sadly it was a no which was a real pit because apart from being just about perfect, it was the former home of the famous British writer Dick Francis! One of my favourite authors.

We have packed away all the Christmas decorations. I have enjoyed having them around this year, usually, I can’t wait to get them packed away after Christmas but this year we have stuck with tradition and taken them down closer to 12th Night. I always feel that once they have been packed away I can truly look forward to and get on with the new year.

So I’ve been pondering on my word that will hopefully define my year…”Balance”.

What actions can I take to create balance in my life on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? I think I have come up with one or two things.

First, I know that I want to do something fun at least once a month as a family such as a day trip to somewhere new or perhaps even a one-night break somewhere further away. Wales is on our doorstep and we still have not explored even though we have been here for over a year! Time to stop the procrastination.

Secondly, I want to make time to work on creative things that I used to have so much time for. My nature journal for instance. It has such therapeutic benefits. To clear your mind of all else and just immerse yourself in the art of looking, drawing and painting are so relaxing. January is a great month to be out in nature as spring bulbs begin to peek through the soil and birds are in abundance as they search for food amongst the branches of the bare boughs trees. Of course, January also brings along the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch which I always participate in. I’m going to enjoy setting aside an hour to count birds and then create my annual Big Garden Birdwatch nature journal page.

And finally, I’m going to pull out my knitting needles and some hand-dyed yarn and cast-on a pair of socks for DD1. Last night she was folding laundry and dropped a not-so-subtle hint that she was running rather low on hand-knit socks. This is an easy project that can be picked up and worked on in the evenings or as I have a moment or two. I may even take it to work so that I can get a few rows in on my lunch hour. Actually, there is an array of great coffee shops near my office where I can go to on my lunch hour so I may just do that!

My job is quite pressurised and extremely busy. It is easy to simply work through lunch or not take the full hour however, that is really not helpful to my own mental well-being or to my productivity levels! So that is one simple area that I can change.


On bright days I may even just take a walk by the river. I’m fortunate to work and live in one of the most beautiful cities in the UK (I may be a little biased 😊) with lots of green space and a great river and waterfront area all within walking distance of my office. I’m looking forward to summer actually where I can take my lunch to the park and watch the world go for a little while.

Being purposeful in slowing down and giving ourselves mental space goes a long way to a more balanced and peaceful outlook. Giving ourselves space to think, meditate on a scripture or just be still is something that I think we don’t do enough of in our instant, busy world.

How has your first week of 2020 been? Hopefully, it has been a blessed one. I am reminded as I type those words that not everyone is having a great start to 2020. Australia is being devastated by fires right now – it’s just awful, isn’t it? Please do pray that they will get rain soon and that those horrendous fires are put out! 

Until next time my lovely friends…

Blessings in Christ

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