
January Blessings

Hello Lovelies! I hope that your January has been ticking along nicely. We’ve had a few frosty mornings which I just adore and my daffodils are starting to pop up! A sure sign that things are stirring readying themselves for spring!

One of January’s little home blessings that I look forward to is to bunches of daffodils that always appear in the supermarkets around this time. January just would not be January without bunches of daffs on the dresser and mantel. They cheer up these long dark January and February days which I find so difficult sometimes. March always brings a shift in light and in my heart it seems.

But I think this year it is going to be slightly different because I have something else that has sent my heart a flutter. We put in an offer on a house on Saturday and it was accepted!

All going well we should be in our new very own home in March/April. I’m kind of hoping we will be in before Easter but I really don’t want to set my heart on it and then end up stressing. So instead I’m going to just go with the flow and try not to be impatient. We have a lifetime to live in our new home so what’s a couple of weeks?

Pictured above is our new front door,it’s so pretty 😊 – perfect to hang seasonal wreaths on. Of course I’ve been pinning all sorts of home decor and gardening ideas for our new space.

Along with the stirring of spring I can feel my creative juices beginning to flow again. I’m currently crocheting a new blanket – Lucy’s (Attic 24) Dune blanket. I love the soft pastel colours which are reminiscent of sun soaked  beach days. It’s a great project to be able to pick up after work in the evenings.

This weekend I think I’m going to get into the garden and pot up some of my favourite plants I planted last summer. It feels so good to know that whatever I plant in our new home I will have the pleasure of watching grow, establish and will enjoy them for many many years to come!

Enjoy this last week of January lovelies and I’ll see you back here very soon.