
A Few of my Favourite Things

As you know…its the simple and small things in life that bring me much joy. I thought that I would share a few of my favourite things that have brought me joy this week.

I’ve always been a bit of a soap-n-water kind of girl with regards to skincare. It seems to have worked for me for the most part but lately I’ve seen that my skin could do with a little extra pampering. It seems a little dryer than it used to be which shows up those fine lines rather well, much to my horror.

In my quest to find beauty products that work for me without wasting money on buying products that may or may not work for me, I have signed up for the Glossybox. Have you heard of it before? Its a monthly beauty box subscription. Each month you get a pretty box of 5 beauty products to try out delivered to your door. I’ve taken out a 12-month subscription which puts the cost at £8.50/month plus postage.

The box contains makeup, skincare and hair products from leading brands. Some are testers and some are full-size. It’s a great way to try things out at a reasonable price rather than buying something you think sounds good at full price and finding out its a disaster. 

I must say that apart from getting to try out some great products I love receiving the pretty box each month, it’s a real treat for the price of 2 or 3 coffees. If you want to give it a try hop on over and check it out HERE.

Around the home this week I’ve hung up the summer bunting as summer is literally just around the corner. Perhaps I should have hung it up earlier because we have been having such fantastic spring weather this year.

The little garden shed has its bunting and two strings have been hung on the gazebo. There is just something about bunting don’t you think? It is so festive and joyful and makes everything just that little bit extra special. 

I had a little string of crochet bunting I made a good few years back but that seems to have disappeared or been misplaced. I will have one final look for it this week but may have to get going on another string. You can never have too much bunting!

I have been working on Lucy’s (from Attic 24) Dune Blanket. It took me a few go’s to get the pattern right but once you get the hang of it it’s easy enough to do. I love the soft muted colour pallet which is very reminiscent of our time spent living near the ocean.

Do you have any favourite magazines that you subscribe to?

I subscribe to ‘Landscape’ magazine and look forward to its arrival each month. this week July’s edition arrived and it’s full of tasty-looking summer recipes, crafts and of course articles on the beautiful English countryside. 

If you are keen to get a feel for what it’s all about then pop on over to their website and have look. If you love all things British and seasonal then this is definitely the magazine for you. I keep all my copies and have a lovely basket full of them, about 4 years’ worth. 

When I plan my seasonal decor or activities I always bring out this magazine for ideas…and Pinterest of course.

Finally, I just had to share a picture of my gazebo at the bottom of the garden. It brings me such joy for many reasons. During the day it’s lovely to go down there and sit away from the house looking back over the garden. It’s peaceful and I can hear the wind rustling in the branches of the tree overhead, listen to the birdsong that never seems to stop, watch the bumblebees go about their business oblivious to my presence and the squirrels who like to dance along the fence tops as they ponder whether to brave raiding the bird feeder with me sitting in such close proximity!

When the sun slips away at the end of the day we put on the lights and it is transformed into a magical fairyland, a perfect spot to enjoy with friends in late summer. I think that it will be just as lovely in the autumn as long as we add a burner and cozy blankets for warmth.

Now…I’m off to get lost on Pinterest as I have some summer ‘home blessings’ to plan which incidentally is another of my favourite things!

Blessings to you all…


  • mamasmercantile

    You have made the garden a haven with its beautiful additions, the bunting and gazebo. My daughters buy me a subscription for Good Housekeeping the gift that keeps on giving. Have a great weekend.

  • Shirley-Ann

    Oh I love Good Housekeeping. I agree a magazine subsricption is such a great gift to recieve.