
Seasonal Observances & Musings

Hello my lovely friends, how has your week been panning out? Here in the UK we have gone from days like this… 


To something more like this…

…and it is glorious! I so appreciate the rain to water my parched garden. We’ve had so little rain this spring with is very unusual for us. I have to admit that as much as I love the sunshine I also love the rain. The sound of the falling rain is comforting and the wonderful aroma of the earth after a shower is just wonderful.

This week we’ve done a bit of exploring around Chester. I am amazed that even though we have lived in this city for a little under 2 years, we still find places to explore that we didn’t know about! This week we took a drive to a pick-your-own farm nearby. Although we can’t do this at the moment we were seriously getting a bit of cabin fever so a drive to the farms farm shop, which is open, was in order. 

We had not gone very far when we discovered a small nature reserve park, right around the corner from our new home. We decided that we would explore it later on in the week which have since done.

It is a little gem! There are lovely walkways, a few rolling grassland areas, woodland and a lovely little pond with a healthy duck population. 

The drakes were all having a nap in the grass while mama duck looked after her brood of very healthy ducklings. As you can see the yellow flag irises are in season, they are so lovely!

The Elderflower is just coming into season as the moment. I am reminded that even though the world is a very strange and unhappy place at the moment, nature ignores it all and keeps to it’s rhythms. I find much comfort in that.

The nature reserve has an abundance of elderflower, so much that I think we may get some elderflower cordial made this year and possible elderflower syrup in the autumn! Last year I did not get around to making elderflower cordial so it will be nice to do so this year. I have shared my elderflower cordial exploits and recipe’s before, you can read all about it in my posts Food from the Hedgerows in 2014 and Storing Summer’s Bounty from 2017.

The foxgloves are looking spectacular at the moment and I have to say that they are filling me with joy. I have so many in the garden and I’m looking forward to the foxglove patch growing year after year. My garden generally brings me much pleasure and peace. I’ve posted many gardening posts over the years like this Beautiful June post from 2015. This week it’s been rather windy and I’ve enjoyed hearing and watching the wind blow through the branches of the magic tree…

I love looking up into the branches of this tree as the wind moves through the branches. I love how the swaying boughs and swishing leaves mesmerize and calm the soul…such simplicity.

Now I think it’s time for me to love and leave you for today. The kettle has just boiled and I’m looking forward to a cuppa tea and a spot of knitting! 

Wishing you all a blessed day.


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