
Catching Up

Hello my lovelies! Its been an age…I know. This year has started off on a very rocky start. On the 31st December we went into yet another lockdown and I have to say that I have found this one to be really tough! 

On top of that my dear grandmother contracted Covid whilst in hospital for other health issues in January. After a thee month battle with covid, which weakened her body along with this other issue she sadly passed away two weeks ago. She loved reading this blog and I’m going to miss seeing her comments and then the two of us discussing some of the things I write about.

And finally (can I take this as bad luck comes in sets of three?) my DH has been dealing with a restructure at work and it’s been touch and go whether we would be facing redundancy or not. It is ongoing and hopefully will be resolved soon but as you can imagine I have had little to no time to feel or engage in anything other than trying to get through one day at a time.

Seasons in life…some are tougher than others!

In other news, I have been working on separating my blog content. All my homeschooling posts are now housed on my website Building a Household of Faith. Since writing my one and only post of the year…there have been developments. I have been blessed to once again be given the opportunity to write for The Curriculum Choice which is a ministry very near and dear to my heart. I wrote for them for the longest time and stopped once our homeschooling came to an end. As that ministry door opens up it seems appropriate to separate some of my content. All those old posts are still here but no longer tagged according to their categories.

As I mentioned in my last post, Under An English Sky remains my little heart place where I will focus as I said before on my home, crafting, gardening and so on. As some semblance of order begins to take place in my life I am finding a little more head room to do a little of what I love and sharing it here with you.

All these pictures are of my beautiful home town by the way. I just love Chester and thought I’d share a little of the serenity of one Saturday morning walk around town with you. This was still in the height of lockdown and the city was generally empty. It’s looking busier now and it is good to see life return to this beautiful place.

I suppose lockdown has a way of halting life and not much living gets done. Often over the past few months it has felt distinctly like Groundhog Day! 

Crafting and creating has just not happened since December. But I’m pleased to say that that too is changing. I’ve been forced into action as my knitted dishcloths all began to deteriorate and get a little yucky! Yesterday a good stack of 100% cotton arrived and the knitting needles have been clicking away to restock the kitchen drawer! I have a few ideas for my shop regarding my favorite dishcloth pattern so watch this space or follow along on IG for updates! Oooo, so excited now. The ideas are beginning to flood in!

Okay my lovelies, I’m going to love and leave you for today. I shall be back very soon with some gardening news and of course crafting news! Have a fab day!


  • Penny

    Grandmothers are precious. I am so very sorry about yours. You have mentioned her here and there on your blog and I know she was especially dear to you. ❤️

    This has been the hardest year of my life too (not just because of covid), and your words and photos have been a consistent comfort. Thank you for them. I often go back and reread old posts just for fun and peace. My homeschooling days are behind me as well, but there’s lots more than that in your blog to enjoy, learn from, and be inspired by. Thank you!

    I hope your husband’s job is safe, and that you enjoy your new writing/crafting/anything else.

    Take and be well and best wishes to your lovely family.

  • Penny

    Grandmothers are precious. I am so very sorry about yours. You have mentioned her here and there on your blog and I know she was especially dear to you. ❤️

    This has been the hardest year of my life too (not just because of covid), and your words and photos have been a consistent comfort. Thank you for them. I often go back and reread old posts just for fun and peace. My homeschooling days are behind me as well, but there’s lots more than that in your blog to enjoy, learn from, and be inspired by. Thank you!

    I hope your husband’s job is safe, and that you enjoy your new writing/crafting/anything else.

    Take and be well and best wishes to your lovely family.

  • Nicole in MD

    Wow…you really are having a time of it! Thankfully you know your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who will bring you through to the other side! Praying for you, for your loss, and for your husband’s job situation.🙏🏻

    Nicole in MD