
Yarn Along – September 28

{Joining Ginny for this weeks yarn along at Small Things}

Well, here they are – the slippers I shared last week all felted.

They shrank much more than I expected, so unfortunately for my eldest dd, they went to my youngest dd – much to her delight! She absolutely loves them, finding them warm and comfortable to pop on during our homeschooling days. I have already cast on for another pair, this time knitting bigger squares for a bigger pair. Not only are  my daughters in love with these slippers, but so are quite a few of my non-knitty friends. I have found myself with a list of orders and eager wearers-to-be!

I’ve had another ‘On the needles – Off the needles’ week again. (feeling pre-tty constructive at the mo!)

In August 2010, I bought this lovely yarn from a friend who is just so talented. She knits, spins, dyes etc…

Yarn on the right is today’s focus ;o)

I had intended to knit a beret from it (yarn on the left was used for my Aestlight Shawl I shared last week), but I have been dying to knit a cowl. This was another opportunity to try something lacy. It was a quick knit and was able to continue my project in front of the telly with my family in the evenings (often the only time I get to knit), and felt just heavenly to work with! (eeeeek, I think I MIGHT becoming a yarn snob!)

Anyhoo, here it is…

I’m going to knit it again using a plain yarn (this beautiful yarn really did not need any lace – its pretty just as it is!), and I am going to make it wider so that it can cover a bit more of the head on those nippy winter days! I’m going to share this little pattern with you. My friend Wendy shared it with me. She simply found this lacy pattern she loved and kept knitting until her desired length was reached. Here is her BEAUTIFUL cowl which inspired me ;o)

Using Double knit wool and needles slightly larger than recommended (for a more open work effect),  cast on 31 stitches (use any multiple of 9 stitches plus 4)

Rows 1 & 3 always purl

Row 2: K3,*yo, k2, skp, k2 tog, k2, yo, k1 – repeat from * to end, k1

Row 4: K2 *yo, k2, skp, k2 tog, k2, yo, k1 – repeat from * to end, k2

Abbreviations: yo (yarn over) skp (slip one, knit 1 pass slipped stitch over) k2 tog (knit 2 stitches together)

On the book side – I’ve just finished my Jack Sheffield book which has ended on a cliffhanger, (oh the suspense!). The next book is only due for release mid January 2012 but I have already placed my order ;o) I haven’t really decided what to read next. I am awaiting the arrival of the Charlotte Mason Series of books I have just bought so I’m not rushing to start something new right now. Not sure how long that will last though ;o) – probably until my next library visit!

Hope you all have a happy, knitty week!


  • Kimmy

    OH wow they are adorable!!! and the beret looks lovely , too! Oh I just cannot believe that someday I might be able to knit things like this too!

  • Anke

    Great slippers!! I've just knitted some for my daughter in a different pattern, but I might have to try and make another pair. Can't have too many slippers in the cooler month, right?

  • pinkundine

    Those slippers are awesome! I think the colours make them even better 😉

    Love the cowl, and thanks for sharing the pattern

  • Ellen

    Your felted slippers came out beautifully and that cowl is lovely. Cowls must be 'the thing' this year since I've seen many highlighted on blogs – I just finished one.