
Fa la la la

This year we unpacked boxes and decorated at the same time! Yip, might as well – the decorations were out any way and DH had returned from a trip to the store with a live Christmas tree which just begged to have its gorgeous boughs decked ;o)

Here it is in all it’s finery…

Our tree is very special to us as each little decoration was either handmade by us, or purchased on our travels abroad. Each has a memory or significance to it. I want to begin making each of my girls a little decoration each year so that by the time they leave home and set up for themselves, they will have a little homespun collection of lovingly created decorations from mum.

Around the home we have other little Christmas touches, In the bay window I placed two candles and a little tree… These are our advent candles which are lit each evening.

In our entrance hall/mud room we have two more little trees gracing the windowsill and two little handmade decorations on either side of the mitten basket…

The creche…

Our bathroom has not been forgotten either, it has it’s own little bowl of festive fun…

As I type this post, my girls are stringing popcorn – I have to admit I’m not sure where they plan on hanging it, but where-ever it is, I’m sure it will look great ;o) Tomorrow I have planned a little Christmas baking. We were initially going to attend our home ed groups Christmas lunch, but with having moved we are now an hour and a half away and it is all feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment! So to make up, we will make a trip to the store and stock up on lots of lovely decorating bits and bobs and bake some festive biscuits!

Our Jessie Tree is up, although not when I had planned! Thursday (move day) went really well right up until the  van we hired got stuck in the driveway! In my next post, I will show you our little country lane and you will understand why we got stuck and I will share our little adventure with you ;o)