
Home Happenings

This morning we woke up to frost – lots of frost. Our front garden was a little winter wonderland. The water in the bird-feeder was frozen over as was the seed in the seed tray. We busied ourselves giving the birds fresh water and washing out the bird tray and refilling it. Our efforts paid off as we saw lots of little visitors enjoying the feast we set out for them.

Some of our visitors this morning were Blue Tit’s, Great Tits, Sparrows, my favourite – Robins, a Green-finch, and even a cheeky Magpie helped himself to some large chunks of seeded fat-ball. Yesterday we had a Woodpecker resting in the trees surrounding our home. Although he did not come to the feeder, after reading up a bit on their habits, they have been known to visit garden feeders. I also laid out lots of seed on the low garden wall in the back garden where a female blackbird, (who is not black at all – they are brown with slightly streaky chests), has laid claim of sole ownership to all the food offerings. she defends her feeding ground from the little Robins who try to peck up some crumbs ;o). We love watching the birds – it is such a blessing to be living back in the countryside!

Last night my husband came home with a little gift for me…

This beautiful orchard was going to be thrown away by the people contracted to do the hotel’s flower displays. There is nothing wrong with it other than needing a bit of TLC and water. I knew immediately where I wanted it to live – on the lovely windowsill on the landing. It looks lovely!

Now onto the big news of our week! We have an addition to our family…

The long awaited kitten! My eldest daughter has been very patient this year in waiting for her own kitten. She had such a special relationship with her cat back in Cape Town and was devastated when we re-homed him just before our move to England. We promised a new cat that would be all her own, and finally here she is. This is Cleo. Most of us are very happy about her arrival…

Just one of us is a bit dubious…

There has been no hissing or hitting or even raised hackles, just lots of dirty looks and sulking -LOL.

So that’s whats been going on. Today we plan to spend the time getting acquainted with our new little girl, tomorrow we are off to try a new church and then get stuck in to the garden. Not much can be done other than cleaning up all leaves that have fallen during Autumn and preparing the pots for Spring planting in a few months time. I had hoped to have a bit of time to get some Spring bulbs into the ground, but I fear I have missed the boat what with the first frosts arriving.  But it will be good to get my hands close to the earth again ;o) – it’s been too long! Have a wonderful weekend all. See you soon :o)