
Its Official…

…Autumn has arrived. Wishing you all a very happy Autumn Equinox :o) I’ve been doing a little Autumn decorating here on my blog. Trying this and that out. I think I have settled on these autumn leaves – captures the season perfectly for me :o)

My poor blog has been sadly neglected this month. Life in my little part of England is hectic. We have been blessed with DH getting a promotion, however, this means that we have to move again! It’s a happy move though. Moving to a new country meant taking a bit of a backward step career wise at first. There’s that whole thing with having to prove yourself in a new market etc. After 18 months it seems that he has impressed the powers that be and has been given one of his hotel groups top hotels in England. So this coming week-end sees us packing up the house, driving over the beautiful Peak District and settling into our new home in Chesterfield. It is a quick 10 mile drive to Sheffield where DH is working.

Our New Home As From 1st October

After numerous house hunting day trips for the girls and I, {which was a bit disruptive to the start of our new school year – but that’s one of the advantages of home educating!}, We found the perfect little house for our family. We are ‘country mice’, so being close to town but still in the country is important to us. I’m sure that the Lord was watching out for us for he provided a modest house – with a Conservatory {a dream of mine since childhood!}, sweeping views of the rolling English countryside, a HUGE garden with will finally allow us to plant the kitchen garden of my dreams, and the neighbors horses looking over the wooden fence at us!

Views of the Garden From The Conservatory.

One of the criteria that we felt had to be filled in our house hunting, was a close proximity to some place that would provide us with plenty of OHC fodder! It really is important to us that we can take a walk from our home and have wide open spaces to explore. Our house is the last in the street, the next thing after us is a national park – plenty of nature study material there! We are so looking forward to exploring it over the next few months.

The Garden – it requires one of those sit-on lawn mower things

Another great thing about this house is that it is South facing – very important for a successful garden! Not only that, important so that the home can catch that all important sunlight! Our current home – although in an idyllic location, is not south facing and can be rather dark – especially if it is a gloomy day – which most of the days this summer have been for us!

Look at that rolling countryside in the distance! Just lovely.

So, there we go, a quick peek at where we are going to :o) I’m not sure if I will make it back here before the move, but I look forward to meeting up with you all again on the other side. Have a wonderful week everyone…


  • Lisa

    How wonderful for you all, Shirley Ann! I hope the move is a smooth one. Enjoy all those wide, open spaces, my friend! 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Lisa – I'm sure that the move will be a smooth one. We are blessed enough to have a company move us this time round! Yay – no packing of boxes for me for a change :o)

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Well I've been thinking about you and now I know why. Blessings to you and your family as you "adjust" to something new and different.

    Praying all goes well with your move. See you later!