
A Little Of This And A Little Of That…

Temperatures around here have sure been on the low side. Over the past week we have had an average high of 2 degrees Celsius – with the exception of Mondays high of 6! Early morning has revealed just how far the night temperatures have dropped with the gift of thick layers of ice covering collected water in a garden tub and the girls sledges. It’s the first thing that the girls rush to do these days – check out how much ice has formed. They take great delight in lifting up the ice pieces to show me :o)

This little ritual reminded me of an ice art nature craft I popped onto one of my Pinterest boards. So I set about collecting some treasures from my garden and placed them all in a shallow dish and filled it up with water – and a bit of string so that I could hang it up.

Sure enough – nature did her bit last night and I was rewarded with this pretty ice art to hang just outside the conservatory. As you can see our little black and white cat was absolutely intrigued by it. It made me smile to see her curiosity.

All this chilly weather must have our creative juices going! We decided that today’s grey and cold day would be a perfect day to make some window stars for our schoolroom window. These will form the backdrop to our winter nature windowsill. I love how the bright colours just pop out! You can see how to make your own here.

And on a more festive note….

The halls are decked and smelling gloriously of pine, citrus and spices. All we need now is snow :o)


  • Anonymous

    Hi Shirley
    I have a sneering suspicion that you won't have to wait long for snow! Up here in the Highlands, we have had a few flurries. The mountains are snow-capped, just beautiful.
    I hope you have a great weekend my friend.
    Julie x

  • karen

    love the ice ornament, and of course the curious cat that is beside it! Your tree is lovely and you're lucky you have a mantel!!

  • Sara

    Pinned your ice art, and had to leave a comment complimenting you on your wonderful article in the December Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter! I am newly inspired to get outside even on the gray days!