Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home :Yarn Along – Winter

It has been an age since I joined in with Ginny for Wednesday’s Yarn Along and it is so nice to be able to share along with loads of talented knitters and crocheters (is that right? LOL) out there.

My needles have been very quiet over the past year – my knitting mojo seemed to vanish into thin air, but, there is nothing like a bit of necessity knitting to get those needles clicking again! 

Dishcloths – I don’t know where all mine have disappeared to, but I have been in desperate need of more. After using hand knit ones there is absolutely NO WAY I could use anything else. So there was no choice but to haul out some cotton yarn and a pair of needles. I have just finished dishcloth number 2. I am using my favourite waffle-weave pattern from Homespun Living.

Reading right now: ‘The Garden Cottage Diaries – My Year in the Eighteenth Century’. This is for anyone who feels like they were born a century or two too late! Wonderfully, down-to-earth, entertaining reading! This book is one woman’s fascinating story of how for one year she decided to live, dress, eat etc as she would have done had she lived in the eighteenth century. She wanted to prove her claim that people ate better than we do today. For UK readers you can grab it on Kindle here, and US readers can get a Kindle edition here.


  • karen

    I hope the dishcloth knitting inspires you to knit with wild abandon! I'm sure you will have more projects in the future.

  • Creative Life Studio

    Oh my, Shirley. We are SUCH kindred spirits. How often I have had to remind myself that God placed me in THIS time for a purpose. I'm going to try to find that book from the library. Otherwise, I'll try the Kindle edition. Thank you for the link! Oh, and have you finished the book by this time? What did you think of it? Are you on Goodreads?

    • Shirley-Ann

      I'm not quite finished as I usually have a few books on the go at the same time! Popular symptom of a book-a-holic I'm afraid – LOL. I really am enjoying this book. It is beautifully put together. I'm not on Goodreads, I have not heard of it before – but I am off to investigate it!